mmmmmmmmmmm this does kinda explain your vibe in that whisper

I donā€™t even know why I told you alsaahir

I also didnā€™t even write down anyones claims because I guarantee they were lies including yours

namely you were kinda inert and didnā€™t reallyā€¦ do anything that wasnā€™t directly in response to me

and then disappeared fairly shortly afterwards

youā€™re correct there

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I mean if there ever needed to be a point made


I also lied to you

BUT THIS IS WHAT I MEAN ITā€™S JUST ā€œI lied to youā€ ā€œI know, I lied to you tooā€

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yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeah sorry about that

You know to be fair at least I had a slightly higher moral high ground for lying

:flushed: :flushed: :flushed:

Oh I know why I half assed it now I wanted to look like the damsel just in case

you know because the damsel would be fake claiming and an evil seeing someone half assing a fake claim might give damsel vibes

yeah I didnā€™t really fake claim that much though :thinking:

Iā€™ve been pondering open-claiming damsel as the actual damsel tbh

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As I told silviu either Iā€™d get a new role or Iā€™d get away with it


well, I suppose thatā€™s one mindset

Iā€™m playing to win, and getting guessed instantly is still a loss, even if thereā€™s a rerack

but if you openclaim damsel d1, and ask to be executed, thereā€™s many advantages to that if you donā€™t get guessed
and of course, thereā€™s a number of roles that could also (falsely) make this claim and bait a guess

I would never deliberately throw but I would do these things D1:
Vote on a goblin
hard vortox check
vote on a boomdandy
vote on any and all cults
vote a saint (if suspicious)

itā€™s against the spirit of the game to not play for a win

The group I play with is casual though. in a sweatier more hardcore game I wouldnā€™t

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also nyaaaaaa it robs the players who got interesting roles of playing an interesting game. Kazali my beloved

I probably should have specified

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