Cookie Thread Act 3: The Cookie Strikes Back

:wowee: It sounds like I should have been banned many times over then.

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May and Hazard know my actual name from Weebfia, and I think I revealed around where I grew up here, so that might be enough to find me.

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N.1 had the right idea to make like a tree and not come back until their mental health and real life are sorted out.


Wait, benguined drops my full name during Weebfia after an, er, incident.

Yeah, I should not be a hard find at all.

The incident:

The fact all of that was just for a shared whisper was beautiful. it didnt even help you win XD.

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tbh, i forgot

never mind i now remember

That’s a misplay. The one that stands out is the 3 VTs ccing Jailkeeper and getting the Jailkeeper yeeted.

i’m still a little mad about it

because part of me knew that there was an outsized chance that this was t/t and we were just wasting a day. but everyone else was so set on it and he never retracted so i just. kinda accepted it was gonna happen (for the record i voted for mafia that day and the rest of town should simply get good)

it also helps that as part of this search i ended up backreading that part so the memory’s fresh

@zugzwang why are you so addicted to reading pathological mafia posts

this was just the best/worst quotes thread nya nya nya

also ngl i would’ve townread those posts SO hard

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@may this counts as a pocket

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Oh I should fill out htat spreadsheet

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I feel like we have to cut some points here in some category for you not being in the game but IDK if it should be wolfing score (we do not have opposing wincons, though I was evil) or mafia score (we are not playing the game of mafia together)

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Maybe -1 for both?

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