Cookie Thread Act 3: The Cookie Strikes Back

Ppl keep talking about health, but health isnt so simple

I did that last night and I perfecrly timed the fatigue from the coffee but not the insomnia and got to bed at 10PM and woke up at 6AM

when i was in school it was very common for me to just lose time. id just stare into the void and hours would pass. now that i dont have to go to school? not as bsd


:ghost: if I drink coffee after noon, im not sleeping that night

I struggle to sleep for a few hours after I drink coffee but it makes me super damn tired. I’ve got heart issues so the tachycardia from caffeine just means soooo much fatigue


Also I have severe ADHD or whatever that also helps

I think that caffeine just like dosent do anything to me with how long iv been taking Adderall

Don’t you need a heart to have heart issues?

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TRUE! Unempathetic

Do i make mac n cheese or top ramen


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Ramen it is
Thanks friend

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beep boop :orange_heart:



quizbowlcord is so real info doxtacular that in here i feel obligated to do the exact opposite and give you NOTHING. the ONLY things you’ll learn about me are things arete inevitably reveals


also rereading and i’m really not convinced that may actually needed an extra google search to find out where i live


I originally did and then you revealed it further

It was not Needed but I know it was Done

I remember it. I am not a liar

Also this is a great game