2r1b - Round 3 - "Secure" Underground Bunker [Room 1]

I can be convinved to send you + hazard instead of hazard + leafia but im deffo sending hazard

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Bionic want to meet

what are you



Thereā€™s a weird neutral role that functions far better as a game mechanic that lets you give up your card (so you canā€™t share n shit anymore, you are still that role but you canā€™t use powers that involve sharing or revealing either); whichever team that gives up more cards wins in the event of a tie
This is only to avert Doctor/Engineer ā€œeveryone losesā€ things
Id probs limit giving up cards to the first three rounds but yeah I might include that (not the role, the mechanic)
Iā€™m 100% including doctor / engineer though


Hava nice day lmaoooo gottem



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noice thanks!

is eliza a player?

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so are ambassadors allowed to snipe hostages?

Iā€™m the host :skull:

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What does that entail

/meet Bionic

I am leader anyway so cld be cool to discuss and see ur plans and shit idk

o ok

Yes Eliza is outted bomber


are you working with zug

Leafia/me is still best
but me/hazard is probably better than Leafia/hazard considering that, given that Leafia is ~publicly redsiding now, theyā€™re less likely to get someone on Redā€™s side than I am

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Iā€™ve been talking a lot about the setup in the spirit of it being a casual game
Setup thoughts can help people who arenā€™t having fun b/c of the setup know more and not immediately dismiss the game lol

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