30 [3/8] rings (canned)

Patch notes 0.0.1:

When you gain your guesses, you don’t have to use them, you can stockpile them, and can use them anytime before the game ends.

The game ends, when everyone used up all of their numbers immediately. At this point you can’t use your stockpiled guesses, all of your guesses will be considered as end of game guesses.

If you don’t have a number, while others still have, your result will be “do not score”.

To prevent the game go infinitely, once you guessed your numbers can’t score, you can’t guess this again until one of your numbers score.

Once anybody correctly guessed a card’s value, it will be public which card’s value they got right, and that card’s value can’t be bought anymore. (This doesn’t apply automatically, if you learned the value via buying, but you still can sacrifice a guess, to “lock” that card.)


A player correctly guessed the value of Circle 1

All picks are in.

Result for turn 4

  1. 163 full house
  2. 61 full house
  3. 224 DNS (do not score)
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A player guessed circle 8 correctly.

Currently correctly guessed cards:
Circle 1, circle 8

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All picks are in.
The turn 5 results are:

  1. 132 [full house]
  2. 165 [full house]
  3. 72 [full house]

The houses are all full…


A player correctly guessed the value of circle 10.

Currently correctly guessed cards:
Circle 1, circle 8, circle 10.

All picks are in.

The results for turn 6 are:

  1. 85 (full house)
  2. 58 (full house)
  3. JOKER (DNS)

All picks are in.

The result for turn 7 are:

  1. 113 [full house]
  2. 208 [straight]
  3. 191 [Straight]

I… I feel like dying…

A player correctly guessed the value of circle 9.

Currently correctly guessed cards:
Circle 1, circle 8, circle 9, circle 10.

Someone’s really taking advantage of his straight flush.

A player correctly guessed the value of circle 7.

Currently correctly guessed cards:
Circle 1, circle 7, circle 8, circle 9, circle 10.

I can’t help it, okay! I’m too dumb for this game anyway!


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If it’s any consolation, I only figured out how this game works, like, yesterday.

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Good for you. I just now realized how Circle works. :sob:

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This game is good at inducing despair.
@Marluna, have you ever considered running a Danganronpa game?

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Too busy for me.

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I actually run a DR Despair (the one with forbidden actions) a few years prior.

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