30 [3/8] rings (canned)

I got only 2 votes.

1 for Liar game and 1 for Number poker.

I will use the third player’s vote as a tiebreaker in this situation.

If they don’t answer in 24 hours, or the other two player don’t change their votes, I will randomize the next game.

With two votes:

We are playing

Number poker.

Preparation phase incoming

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Goal of the game:

Guess the value of the most cards, while the other doesn’t.

I am borrowing a similar deck as in the previous game, so in this game we will use a 30 card deck, where the suits are circle, triangle and square. No color shenanigans. Each suit has cards numbered from one to ten. Each card has a value, these value are between 1 and 50 (1 and 50 are both possible values)

The sum of square cards, are higher than the sum of triangle cards, which is higher than the sum of circle cards.

But this time these cards won’t be dealt. In this game I will use the deck to use the highest possible scores for you in poker hands containing 5 cards.

For refresher or anyone not familiar with poker, the possible hands from weakest to strongest are:

High card. (In case you don’t have any combination, your highest card is your only one which matters.)
Pair. (Two of your cards have the same value (1-10) and the other three cards don’t make any other combination.)
Three of a kind. (Three of your cards have the same value, and the other two cards don’t contain a pair.)
Straight (all five of your cards value in a sequence*, suit doesn’t matter)
Flush (all five of your card has the same suit)
Full house (when you have a three of a kind and a pair)
Straight flush (all five of your cards in a sequence and in the same suit)

*One acts as a special case in this game, because it can wrap around after ten. (A 8-9-10-1-2 is a legit hand in this game, while in a regular game of poker it isn’t. )
**with only three suits four of a kind is not a valid option.


At the start of the game each player will get randomly 9 numbers (via RNG) between 5 and 250 and a joker, each turn you will use these to get the privilege of guessing a value of a card. You can guess cards equal to the players you have beaten during the poker game. (I always will try the best combination for your number in poker, if after the game you claim you have a better hand than I gave you and prove it, you will gain 1 victory token for each hand I misregistered for you.)

Special rules:

Joker (your tenth number): You can decide the joker’s value, when you play it.

Do not score (DNS): It is possible (due to RNG) that your number can’t be made into a legit card, if this happens, your score is the lowest, but you can guess one card too.

If instead of playing a number you claim all of your remaining numbers can’t score anymore, if you are right: in that turn you will score the highest, and in the following turn you can guess three cards instead of the usual one. If you are wrong, your score in that turn becomes the lowest, and you can’t guess in that round.

Reveals: In public, you will see only the number, and the hand, but in private I will tell you which cards contributed to your score.


In case your chosen number is 73, your cards will be the [square 5, circle 5, circle 1, triangle 1, and square 1] which is a full house.

But in public other player will see only the following:

[Your name] 73 (full house)

and you will learn the cards above.

Cards can’t be repeated in the same hand, but it doesn’t stop other players from scoring from the same cards in the same round.

After the round guess: if you have beaten at least one other player (or you already correctly guessed that all of your numbers are DNS, you can guess cards, while choosing the number for the next round. I will tell you if the card’s value is lower or higher than your guess.

End of game guess: You can guess the value of all 30 cards. Reward for each card you correctly guessed at the end of the game, while no other players have is 1 victory token for each card.

Victory token bonus:

For 3 victory tokens, you can learn any card’s value you chose, but you won’t gain reward from that card at the end of the game. (All player will know which card’s value you learned)

Because of special circumstances the preparation phase lasts the whole weekend this time.


@Someone @Ash @Zone_Q11
Game 2 starts in 24 hours, or if every say they are ready.


I… feel like I lost a couple brain cells as of late (unrelated to this forum), but I guess I’m as ready as I can be.

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Will wait the full 24 hours. I will not be a functional human being tomorrow.


My brain isnt working today im so much rn idk why

Game 2 starts

Let’s check everyone’s victory token count:


Ash: 14
Someone: 9
Zone_Q11: 0

No Victory token was used before Game 2.

Everyone got their numbers.
You have 24 hours to choose.

Today’s standings are.

1st. 34 (flush)
2nd. 103 (flush)*
3rd. 121 (three of a kind)

*In case of multiple flushes, highest card is checked first, highest card wins, if those are the same value, than second highest and so down to the fifth. In the case all 5 cards have the same value, it’s a draw.



There might be cards with the same value.

But each card in a suit are different.

So circle 1 and square 2 could share the same value, but circle 1 and circle 2 can’t.


Marluna is dead.
It’s so over.

Sry, I was busy.

2nd round scores:

  1. 15 (Straight flush)
  2. 111 (full house)
  3. 34 (flush)
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Marluna, you there?

I’m very sorry.
My weekend didn’t happen the way I planned. (Also now I really had to doublecheck a lot of combinations to be extra sure my results are correct.)

Turn 3 results:

54 [full house]
58 [full house] *
189 [high card]

Due to an error from my part, there is a wrong number among those 3, but the result are calculated based on the original number… (It wasn’t a planned scenario, but we deal it based on Someone’s answer.)

In case of multiple full houses, the highest three of a kind wins, if it’s the same the highest pair is checked, if those are still the same value, it’s a draw. With this it’s possible that a full house has a higher pair than the other full house, but it still loses because the three of a kind part of the full house is smaller than the other three of a kind.


Wait my number isnt there

Oops, I’m dislexic…


(is the calculation right tho?)

I just wrote down the wrong number.
Your number is just written down in the wrong way, but I calculated based on your submitted one.(after what you submitted I think you can figure out which was your number), do you want me fix the number (and indirectly telling the others, which number was yours) or are you fine with the wrong number shown?


Hi dislexic, I’m Ash.