Due to unseen circumstances this round will be longer. And end 2024-04-29T14:30:00Z
After this, I will come back to the 24 hours per round. (If you won’t pick during that time, your action will be forfeitted and I will act as if you have passed.)
Due to unseen circumstances this round will be longer. And end 2024-04-29T14:30:00Z
After this, I will come back to the 24 hours per round. (If you won’t pick during that time, your action will be forfeitted and I will act as if you have passed.)
Well. It was nicer saying this, than saying I had hangover yesterday…
The round has ended
Zone_Q11 hit ash box 1
It reveals a ring guard.
Someone hit zone box 2
It destroyed one of Zone’s rings
Ash chose to pass
He haven’t smashed any boxes
This supposed to be Box 1.
It was Ash 1, I just wrote a wrong number by accident.
There was a reason for Ash to pass…
While Zone_Q11 and Someone smashed the boxes, Ash took all of the boxes and ring guards and shuffled them.
And they haven’t even noticed that they didn’t get the targets for this round.
Unnoticed Ash even took the pen (from game 1) and scribbled all the numbers written on the boxes in 75 minutes.
After 75 minutes Ash put down the boxes, and they can’t be differentiated anymore with normal means.
@Someone @Zone_Q11
The targets for this round are
A) box with unreadable number
B) box with unreadable number
C) box with unreadable number
D) box with unreadable number
E) box with unreadable number
F) box with unreadable number
G) box with unreadable number
H) box with unreadable number
I) box with unreadable number
J) box with unreadable number
K) box with unreadable number
L) box with unreadable number
M) box with unreadable number
N) box with unreadable number
O) box with unreadable number
P) box with unreadable number
Q) box with unreadable number
R) box with unreadable number
S) box with unreadable number
T) ring guard from one of the box of [ash’s box 1, ash’s box 6 or Someone’s box 2]
U) ring guard from one of the box of [ash’s box 1, ash’s box 6 or Someone’s box 2]
V) ring guard from one of the box of [ash’s box 1, ash’s box 6 or Someone’s box 2]
You have 24 hours to choose your target.
(This was a genuine mistake, it was not part of this “surprise” from Ash.)
How innovative! To bring more complexity unto a simple game. You have my praise!
Unfortunately, as I have mentioned before, I have given up my right to choose to bots.
Whether I shoot myself in the foot, or smash boxes until I can’t anymore, or outright stop smashing… is all decided by the hands of not myself.
And you still didn’t manage to choose an action.
Someone smashed a random box (option D) and it’s empty. (3/3)
you can’t break any more boxes this round anymore.
Zone_Q11 forced to pass.
Ash smashed a random box. (Option G)
And it’s empty. (3/3)
you can’t break any more boxes this round.
Everyone passed this round who still has the opportunity to smash, so round 1 is officially over.
First, we check the revealed ring guards.
Each of them contained a ring.
(Someone scored 1 ring, Ash scored 2 rings)
The following boxes remained.
Zone 1
Zone 5
Zone 6
Zone 8
Zone 9
Zone 10
Ash 3
Ash 4
Ash 7
Ash 8
Someone 1
Someone 3
Someone 5
Someone 6
Someone 7
Someone 8
Someone 9
Let’s check their contents one by one.
…oh, right. I forgot to roll the dice.
(Probably for the best to be honest.)
First, Someone’s boxes:
Someone 1 - empty
Someone 3 - empty
Someone 5 - has a ring
Someone 6 - has a ring
Someone 7 - empty
Someone 8 - empty
Someone 9
Someone reveals two rings
Zone_Q11’s boxes:
Zone 1 - empty
Zone 5 - has a ring
Zone 6 - has a ring guard (it is put back into the box)
Zone 8 - has a ring
Zone 9 - empty
Zone 10
A ring.
Zone revealed three rings.
Lastly Ashes boxes:
Ash 3 - has a ring
Ash 4 - has a ring
Ash 7 - has a ring
Ash 8
A ring guard. Which is put back in the box.
Ash reveals 3 rings as well.
It’s a draw so no one scores from these rings.
Anyone who haven’t scored this round, will gain back their unscored rings.
And get brand new boxes instead of their destroyed boxes.
Everyone should have gotten their updated inventory.
You have 24 hours to use it as you please.
And from now on, writing over the numbers of the boxes is forbidden.
(It wasn’t an intended action, but since it wasn’t forbidden I let it through once for creativity.)
Round 2 starts in 24 hours.
Sry for the dealy.
All actions are in.
The avalaible boxes for this round are:
Zone’s boxes
A) (with unreadable number)
B) 2
C) 3
D) 4
E) (with unreadable number)
F) (with unreadable number)
G) 7
H) (with unreadable number)
I) (with unreadable number)
J) (with unreadable number)
Ash’s boxes
A) 1
B) 2
C) (has unreadable number)
D) (has unreadable number)
E) 5
F) 6
G) (has unreadable number)
H) (has unreadable number)
I) 9
J) 10
Someone’s boxes
A) (has an unreadable number)
B) 2
C) (has an unreadable number)
D) 4
E) (has an unreadable number)
F) (has an unreadable number)
G) (has an unreadable number)
H) (has an unreadable number)
I) (has an unreadable number)
J) 10
You have 32 hours to choose one of those or pass.
All action are in.
Zone_Q11 and Ash both smashed at Someone’s G box.
It has
It’s Empty.
Ash (1/3) Zone_Q11 (1/3)
Someone smashed Ash’s C box.
It has
Someone (1/3)
The avalaible boxes for this round are:
Zone’s boxes
A) (with unreadable number)
B) 2
C) 3
D) 4
E) (with unreadable number)
F) (with unreadable number)
G) 7
H) (with unreadable number)
I) (with unreadable number)
J) (with unreadable number)
Ash’s boxes
A) 1
B) 2
D) (has unreadable number)
E) 5
F) 6
G) (has unreadable number)
H) (has unreadable number)
I) 9
J) 10
Someone’s boxes
A) (has an unreadable number)
B) 2
C) (has an unreadable number)
D) 4
E) (has an unreadable number)
F) (has an unreadable number)
H) (has an unreadable number)
I) (has an unreadable number)
J) 10
The avalaible Ring guards are:
You have 30 hours to choose one of those or pass.
All actions are in.
Round advances in a few moment.