All action are in.
Zone_Q11 smashed at Ash’s B box.
It has
a ring.
One of Ash’s ring is destroyed
Ash smashed Zone’s J box.
It has
a ring guard
Someone smashed Zone’s I box.
It has
a ring guard
The avalaible boxes for this round are:
Zone’s boxes
A) (with unreadable number)
B) 2
C) 3
D) 4
E) (with unreadable number)
F) (with unreadable number)
G) 7
H) (with unreadable number)
Ash’s boxes
A) 1
D) (has unreadable number)
E) 5
F) 6
G) (has unreadable number)
H) (has unreadable number)
I) 9
J) 10
Someone’s boxes
A) (has an unreadable number)
B) 2
C) (has an unreadable number)
D) 4
E) (has an unreadable number)
F) (has an unreadable number)
H) (has an unreadable number)
I) (has an unreadable number)
J) 10
The avalaible Ring guards are:
ring guards from Zone’s box I and Zone box’s J
You have 30 hours to choose one of those or pass.