30 [3/8] rings (canned)

I know. My correct guess was 1 black, so I’m guessing this is a mod-error.

I have 2/3 of the 1 black cards in my hand

Do you have 1 black circle and 1 black triangle?

No mistakes were made during dealing the cards or the reveal.


Oh, I see.

tf does that even mean

The joke is that the host got bored during your round, so they drew another square onto the hidden card.



Payoff to this joke.

I had one black circle and one black triangle so I was never winning that oof

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I am not used to having to be literate.
It’s painful.
Never doing that again.

I might as well put this here to help myself keep track of the scores.

Turn 1: Someone (1w, 4pts)
Turn 2: Ash (1w, 4pts)
Turn 3: No Winner
Turn 4: Someone (2w, 5pts)
Turn 5: Ash (2w, 5pts)


All cards get taken back from the players as they were.
One destroyed card got repaired and put back into the deck in their original form.

One card got hidden from the deck again.

Everyone got their cards, and a player randomly got chosen to be the first player.

@Zone_Q11 you are the first player, you can guess first, before that you can discard any number of cards you want.

Hm. This is a great idea! I’ll do it too!

Zone took the pen from the host, and drew something.

He also discarded these cards:

Three black circle
Three black triangle
Two white triangle
One gray square

And drew 4 new cards.

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Zone_Q11 guessed

Grey, circle
It is

You have 24 hours to give a new guess.

Zone discarded the following cards:

Two Gray Circle
One Gray Circle

And draws two new cards

@Ash @Someone @Leafia
Would you all be willing to cooperate with me so I can do something funny?

I want to legally discard all of my hands ASAP, but this would require for the three of you to guess the attributes that I want AND not discard your hand if you have a card you can discard.

This “plan” (or rather, “idea”) fails if even one of you disagrees, so if you don’t wish to do it, then just lemme know.

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