777th poster gets an answer from achro also achro drama maybe idk read the topic if you want

achro banned for looking out for people meanwhile im called out for being rude every other MU turbo and not banned

shows how much they care


I strongly support ao3 as the best site for fic

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Doctor doom is such a peak character he exclusively kicks the door down in stories he is in

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We could be twins

I’m not too timid as I like to speak with people in real life, but I’m also very non-confrontational in real life so I guess that’s a level on shyness on a specific front.

The conflict between users and moderators is as old as time.

War. War never changes.

Or does it?

I have a solution to the problem. A new forum position called “whipping boy”. It’s derived from medieval times where royalty wanted to have their children punished, but they weren’t allowed to hit them. So the function of whipping boys was to take on the beatings for them, and hopefully also form a bond with the royal kids and incentivize them to behave out of guilt of getting their friend hit.

Applying this scenario to the mafiaverse will fix everyone’s problem and make everyone happy. Here is an example scenario:

Silviu has been caught siphoning money out of the FoL patreon. Katze wants to write him a mean message. However, Silviu is sensitive and is likely to cry at the confrontation. This is where Arctic comes in. Katze writes the mean message to Arctic, not Silviu.


  • Katze is happy for delivering justice and restoring the peace.
  • Silviu has learned his lesson and is happy that nobody was mean to his gentle soul.
  • Arctic is also happy.

Win win win for everyone.



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I find it extremely funny

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i cant believe arctic released a compliation of him being owned


I can’t believe the mu mods poisoned our water supply, burned our crops, and delivered a plague upon our houses


MU is like Google
They’re your only option not because they’re good, but because they’ve been around for decades, and you only use them because everyone else uses them
But hey at least Google doesn’t get hacked and then ask their users to pay for their security


Then where is their collective consciousness? Are they just moderating as sole actors? How are the 10% not held accountable?
I mean what you’ve said about your experiences on MU corroborate with a ton of other people’s, this is getting beyond ridiculous now. There appears to be no accountability from what I can see.

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i read up to here before realizing this was going to be about me


really it seems pretty believable to me


this seems like a slight deviation from the original intention of the concept


yeah, i guess they are sole actors
theyre p good at silencing people which is an effective stability strategy
this isnt to say theyre bad people. theyre decent people who believe theyre doing whats best for the community
some of the most entrenched ones just have preconcieved notions about what it means i think and are protecting a nebulous community over actual people


they get it right most of the time

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theyre good people
just bad parents to the small number of misfits to their vision of their ideal community

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im one of these
i just left quietly instead of going out in a blaze of glory because i trusted them

helz and zorvo both deserved what they got punishment-wise imo

story’s was a preventative ban rather than a reactive one which is not something we do here but also i kinda understand where mu is coming from, they are reaaaally uptight about people who ruin games intentionally

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