777th poster gets an answer from achro also achro drama maybe idk read the topic if you want

moderation for a site about playing a game and criminal punishment are not the same thing, even if it’s easy to confuse it as such

when you ban someone from a mafia site it doesn’t ruin their life, they just go to another mafia site or stop playing mafia and move on with their lives


i agree with what you’re saying when it comes to actual criminal punishment

I realize this touches on a highly sensitive subject. I want to emphasize that I’m not defending the words or actions of those individuals; racism. My point is that there are additional actions we can take instead of immediately resorting to perma’s without any possibility of appeal or considering rehabilitation for some of them. I understand people burn themselves and MU moderation is doing the best they can to keep up with where the boundaries are drawn. It could be better and it could be worse.


on the object-level issue of “should Alice stay perma’d” it seems relevant that she had already appealed a perma once and the incident in question happened after this


everything could be better and could be worse

mu mods are pretty good where most things are concerned
they sometimes are not great at taking feedback but that’s about as far as it goes

they definitely are not banning people or keeping them banned just because they dont like them :joy_cat:


i think alice in particular isn’t really one of the debates given the long list of repeat offenses and
“colorful” history

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I might have been a bit harsh on my criticism. However, I believe my point about potential improvements remains valid, particularly in situations where x baits y into committing a crime within a controlled setting. I have personally had this happen to me in a game this year where a player was baiting the entire thread by calling everyone bad and made people sub out eventually. I didn’t find the moderation perfoming “good” there at all ;p

i mean
achro got ‘baited’ into being toxic
the other guy got a year ban, achro only got a month
i think it’s basically fair :wowee:

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I haven’t seen Achro’s case in detail, but I would think thrice before banning Achro sorry

i wouldn’t
brb banning him right now


(i’d agree if it wasn’t a month long slap on the wrist, but that’s more or less all a month long ban is)

nemesis speaking. i’m not normally the kind of guy to talk about “good conduct”, because pretty much everyone in my system knows i’m absolutely NOT good with that, or keeping my cool, or not resorting to threats of violence as casual banter when i’m mildly irritated. But at the same time, i’ve also LEARNED that. and i’ve learned what happens when i do act on that shit, and it’s not pretty.

if shit’s getting to the point where you’re actually gonna kill someone or something, you should probably back down. it’s not fucking worth it. i’ve been clawing at the problems that plague me, tooth and nail fighting trying to get better, and i know damn well that if i got put into the kind of situation and drama and STRESS that i’m seeing and hearing about in forum mafia, i’d probably genuinely snap and hurt someone.

it’s better to just. focus on trying to get better, rather than deal with more stressful shit consciously knowing it’s gonna stress you out. if there’s too much shit going on in your life, drop the extra problems you’re putting on yourself. same reason we dropped a lot of the old communities and friends we were close with, because they were causing too much stress for us to handle.

forum mafia isn’t worth your sanity and life.


Oh hey my topic got a lot of replies


good job you opened the ‘invite people to shit talk the mu mods’ jar
enjoy :joy_cat:

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Oh i probably got banned for the report abuse + minor infractions here and there. They just werent going to say that publicly lol

Dont mind as i said.

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w-what is this in response to

also dear god choose a better font color this is unreadable without highlighting it

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dark mode L


host speaking
i have no idea what site theme you’re using but i’ll go back and change it
he wanted to use his designated color (red) to distinguish himself from me
also this is in response to all the above drama about playing forum mafia and stress

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i’m using dark mode and i could see it just fine lmao

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honestly just marl L I can also read it