'80s Wild Overhaul FM - TOWN VICTORY


yeah plz explain

I think it means if there are 5 ppl
2 mafia and 3 town upon me using my ability mafia auto wins.
I have asked for clarificactions rn

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the mafia win condition is to eliminate all town though

there’s nothing about parity??

it says:

Your win condition is to eliminate all Town, or ensure that nothing prevents you from doing so.

Yeah it this. Zone just replied

I asked about this too. He says mafia also wins upon parity

okay, i’m checking

Here are the most recent scumgames

Anyways you can make your own judgement, but personally:

my own opinion

My scumgame is way better than this, I swear :skull: Like I made 2 dumb role-related mistakes this game, and that wouldn’t have happened if I had some nice scumbuddies and a scumchat to remind me to use my ability properly

Faking mech fails isn’t really my style, I think

I use more theater and arguing without stop and interaction-based clears, but also like, I am not much of a busser unless as a last resort, so if I was wolf, beancat and Magnus wouldn’t have gone down so quick prob, I would’ve fought hard to get literally anyone else out first regardless of my “scumread on them”

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okay so, town loses in parity because it basically means that nothing can stop mafia from killing all towns (except like a PGO), but for your ability, don’t you just leave for one day? like you’d be back after that/the next day, so i don’t think that would matter…

but today is a good day to use it/to prove it since we’re at 6 players, i think?

@Lemonfairy @Zorvo i would like your thoughts on the glass stuff. he is claiming.

-if he leaves he can’t be voted
-he also (would not count) toward parity?

the parity thing is kind of weird/is striking me as a potential mafia role rather than a town role with the way he’s phrasing it, which is making me concerned

oh also

the “not count toward parity” thing means that me clearing them wouldn’t make sense because if they leave they don’t count toward parity…

basically, i don’t see the town motivation for glass to not just leave, if their role works the way they say. as long as they get all their thoughts out first.

I mean i am fine with it although why today?
I thought you wanted me to prove in a xylo situation?

you have infinite uses, so it kind of makes sense to just prove it today

also, i just confirmed with Zone that there’s only 1 mafia left because no voting mechanic changes were announced

I think she could very well be a neutral?



usually mafia win-cons have parity in them but this one doesn’t so idk where the “parity” could be from unless it’s role-specific or part of a neutral win-con
don’t think it can really be used to read alignment?

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Look at glass’s disappearance D1 (host’s announcement)if you want proof thats how my role works

this looks pretty good for Glass not being mafia at least

i’m peeking at some VCs

I dont wanna leave the thread cuz having no one to talk the whole day phase is boring!!!
Like i have to stare at the thread the rest of the day without even being able to likeeee or able to state my opinions!
So frustrating

Right so before Marluna hammered herself, I thought the plan was to

  1. find who lol checked N2 (or try to)
  2. finish Magnus’s ISO
  3. vote her so we can actually do the votestealer thing, semi-usefully (though I guess effectively it’s the same if we ask, did anyone get their votes stolen yesterday?)

I’ll do #1 first

didn't work lol

lol’s checks

n0- lol (town)
n1- Leafia (town) - red (same)
n2- ??? (town) - green (same)

Magnus’s ability works like, 1. 1st person to visit gets redirected 2. target two players & they’ll target each other

It couldn’t have been 1 because lol initially tried to check me

N2, his check couldn’t have been me (because I would’ve been told of redirects), obscurity (because his shot on gorta went through), Leafia (because deal with Zorvo went through), Lemon (because BPV went to obscurity as planned)

And maybe not Cream because she blocks redirection… and if she blocked redirection on lol instead of obscurity, wouldn’t his check have been unredirected?

So candidates are:

Actually, this is too big to be useful, nvm

Did he ever give us his N3 results?

yeah i see it, but like, one or two shot of the role VS. infinite is a differentiation

regardless, i’m not asking you to leave right now - just at some point today when we’ve finished discussion…