FAM4: Thread 1 - Day 1

Not…yours I don’t think I don’t wanna look back at that. I’ve had enough failure the past few months I don’t wanna relive any.


All I’ve seen since returning is Jinrou’s ISO and that they’re dying to an ITA tomorrow.
I haven’t been around since earlier and I am no longer up to date, nor had I been struck by any brainwaves regarding old content finagled into a new lens.

Seems pretty hard to backread while mobileposting

I am only fishing for live reads and reactions

appreciate that, but you’ll forgive me not taking your word. I’ll make it quick tho

girl i joined this site because of dtc

VOTE: gocj


oh right dtc lmao

U say that, but excuse me for being a little hesitant to like people who throw thoughts that same drastically different than me, I’ll respect people liking spf and not wanting to vote there, because I’m possibly still not gunna be able to convince myself to vote there, but to call Catbae wolf just feels shady

Okay fine I’m going to do the Brad route and say “I fear no one” and townread Katze.

wolfy post


also wait this is literally tmi that im a wolf VOTE: wazza


Also I never said Hallia was town

At least not yet

If you ask me about it I’d just say other players are calling her town therefore she must be town

Literally anybody in the game flipping wolf spews me as town, by the way.

Me when I mix up the event thread and the actual thread.

not me about to ask why

it doesnt work when you say it yourself

this post from beancat pings me a bit

i think it’s because even though the defense of bystander is likely to be correct, it comes off like theyre trying to instigate what is likely to be t/t violence by pinging atlas and inserting themselves in the middle of the exchange

Yeah she’s kinda obvious town as this point.