FAM4: Thread 2 - Day 1

7 *voters

whenever someone votes it feels like they’re randomly picking

Damn you managed to make an even worse vote after I called your vote bad

@Manny @Wazza @Apocryphal @Dum @Leafia if any of you move your vote 30 minutes before EoD you have openwolfed

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damn i have insane threadpull

manifested that manny wagon 2 hours ago out of nowhere

ugh, I hate how theyre looking for what sticks

VOTE: ephemera

Watch achro flip w

gira why is it that every time i check in you have another case

half joking but still


yea i know jan was voting me

im town tho

Im already voting

Manny literally openwolfing :skull:


lol owo

Has zone redeemed the slot or is he just as wolfy…
Let’s find out

i liked his dumb role soft although i know it is in his wolf range

1439 / 1482 / 1512

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nvm they said move im dumb

how is that openwolfing lmao

its obv sarcasm???

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VOTE: achromatic

I have seen like one zone post since he joined

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