FAM4: Thread 3 - Day 2

None as I can recall but I can’t easily go see a vote count for when it was all happening on mobile

Kork and Bys also did it and can swing

I think Baudib is being cleared too easily, but I don’t know his meta and it seems like it’s by people who do, so I don’t want to push it.

I think beancat should be on ITA lists for her EoD. I forgot that one, I made that case earlier and it didn’t catch on.

Carbonated is obvious town, and I’ve been saying this for a while. Dum could be a wolf, but I’d need to reread his post-thread 1 posts to have any level of confidence. I am fairly confident about Jarek being town, and I think Ranta is a wolf.

I think catbae’s reads were not much better than rand at best, anad I think the fact that his legacy is being taken into account and not SPF’s is suspicious.

I have a tendency to “TMI myself wolf” when I’m a wolf in that I inherently take cases on me more seriously because I know they actually have merit. I’ve been calling people insane or stupid or such for scumreading me all game and it’s causing met o realise exactly how polarised I am in this regard

so you dislike wind too?

VOTE: Marluna


Your gut sucks ass

If I were to make an ITA list right now it would be:


Btw the apparently “bad” reasons that tutuu gave for town reading them both

Oh, and I think Wazza is incredibly towny as well.

I mean I am pretty thin.

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Heavy no on this i would say

… this far? i just came here 3 days ago. I got one but idk how to send them

is crazynuto v? i saw that being thrown around a bunch of times.

also there were only 2 town deaths. Assuming one is factional, then the regular vig. Usually mafia has 3 normal kp, sabi claims a protect on katze. the superlike vig should be the 4th as conditional


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I have isod him im lazy to actually find it

Freedom has been achieved hi

No, like gocj i think they’ve been ok today

The other three not so much

100% read rate continues. MKP you actually terrify me lol

I guess I could see Alexandra being a villager who can’t be assed with 24-hour mashes but I would expect more from him.

I saw, but I didn’t find it convincing.

Is there literally anything I can do to at least get you to shoot me, like, tomorrow? I’ve won three events I have prizes I want to use if you shoot me I will NOT forgive you