FAM4: Thread 8 - Days 5&6 (TOWN IS VICTORIOUS)

no ita tracker all ur getting from me is who hasn’t used a shot yet owo

maybe when day is over i’ll make a list of who shot where owo

not tn owo im about to crash into my laptop owo

tbh my gut instinct seeing it live was 1 max, and he kept flipping dya/meuh around in order which makes me want to kill there

i mean meuh has a very suspect claim owo

they did say they ain’t fullclaiming though so idrc about what info i could glean from them overnight owo

dya as the deepwolf… i could see it owo

i don’t have the brainpower rn to really dig into it owo

VOTE: an_gorta_slanktai

hello what are your thoughts on meuh plz and thank u owo

who is venti owo

also what is your take on me owo

i’m alive because the time i’ve committed to this game has been minimal and I haven’t even known whats going on most days. I just learned last game day that there was a freaking graveyard

because by all rights i should have been pushed by now for powerwolfing (which i have to an extent) and the only reason i can say i haven’t really been is that wolves really don’t want to try casing the 700 poster owo

i mean achro and baud would 100% do that but they seem to have wanted to pocket me instead which was meh lol owo

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so like wolves read to me like people who cannot be asked to push me owo

which is. funny. i think. owo.

death tunnel inc

ok well don’t it made me see red momentarily

You know guys I love the sentiment that I should use my vengeful role by dying but if you really think about it, you’re basically saying you believe my claim (and thus that I am town) and are advocating for someone you believe is town to die in hopes that by dying they vig a wolf

ehhhhhh tbh i could buy it but i don’t see meuh surviving today anyways

What I’m saying is maybe I should start actually being a protective and not just hoping I get killed in the night

not knowing a site and having limited time and a broken laptop is a cursed combo of terrible bulls*it.

i finally got my laptop back and can type m , . /? again. it was driving me nuts

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hi jarek you have a weird tone this morning