Achromatic’s Greatest Game (Mafia Win)

Cause I woke up at 8AM

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I forgot that jester is dead, I thought jester might try to sabo for tie etc

I assumed it was public cause there’s a list of everyone’s roles in the OP, but IDK cause my role wasn’t updated to emperor in hte list so

And it happens end of whatever phase it’s used

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It’s publicly annpounced I asked

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Swap is publicly announced if we do it during htis day phase hte wolves shoot hte ladder if we do it hte next night phase the wolves shoot bean and it doesn’t process

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Mech :(

Icould be misunderstanding this because I am VERY VERY SLEEPY right now so let me know if I have it wrong but

AFAIK we conna’t use hte ladder and so we only have 3 executions left. I want to go for Eliza first

Doubly so if beancat is wolf which is not impossible it is in fact quite possible. Yea :+1:

i would like to force the wolves to kill bean then

she is poe

we can do 3 chops

or 4 chops, one of which is forced kill on beancat, or out her as mafia

still optimal to go that route imo

unless u wanna argue that if we chop eliza and she flips town, u would survive until the end of the game and we should never chop u

if u dont wanna argue that, u are getting chopped regardless, so might as well get a free kill on bean imo @May

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But how does chopping me first change anything except that I’m dead

I am too tired to comprehend this I think

You are the only one who knows there is 1 wolf left if you’re town

We don’t know that

By chopping you, we all now know there would be 1 wolf left

That means it’s safe to use ladder

That means beancat can attempt to ladder

That means mafia is forced to kill beancat, giving us an extra flip

If we don’t chop you, we can never safely use ladder out of danger of 2 wolves sabotaging

That means mafia isn’t forced to solve beancat for us

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But I don’t wanna die :(

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Please be selfless and do your best to help your team. I insisted on dying via ladder D1. Dead people win and lose together with the living people

only objection being the one i switch ladder into may be mafia which may suck

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I don’t have an actual opinion on this ATM I’m too tired to properly zoom out and look at the things. I am generally nervous about getting chopped because I have won very very few towngames dead but if it is optimal I will resign myself to it

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if they’re mafia then not utilizing the ladder isn’t doing us any favors, it’s not better than trying to use it

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if you think there is mafia in tutuu, hazard, magnus, garfooled feel free to argue so

i think garfooled might be mafia with may but i don’t mind that. if we agree on a plan mafia doesn’t have room to maneuver or they get outed. we’re forcing their hand here and killing a lot of potential wolves