we’re talking cards

Why is cards even a thing?

This wasn’t a joke.

What’s your honest opinion of me?

I can, on the other hand, refuse to answer questions.

In the end the Party would announce that two and two made five, and you would have to believe it.

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Isn’t it obvious?
Because of Joker…

I’m going to make joker related jokes this entire game until I die.


Its not obvious to me, if you ask me.

The only thing I know Joker is a thing is because it’s part of the cards game. But to actually be mechanic for all roles involved?

I shouldn’t have woken up for SOD.
I’ll throw out a few discombobulated questions and hope more people post content.
First up: Gorta.

Looking at Gorta’s responses… he claims not to know his alignment yet, but claims not evil…
Mafia’s undeniably evil… Cult sounds evil…
@Gorta are you an alignment-changing neutral?

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I refuse to believe you don’t recognise this guy:

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At a glance, Zone and Eliza have shared information pertinent to their respective roles, but haven’t interacted with the thread beyond that…
I like spamming paragraphs. It looks like I’m doing something.

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I wonder if killing people for no reason includes me…

Add Blizer to the mix.

Think I’m gonna start on wolfcasing a few players to push my agenda.

I was thinking earlier that Marluna’s vote could’ve been opportunistic, voting on the very-likely outed evil, but :person_shrugging:. Whysper notably doesn’t vote Gorta.

This is a logical leap. Fair enough if Whysper didn’t vote Gorta out of fear of being converted, but quoting Marluna’s vote and saying the first voter might be converted…? If this was a joke, ignore me.

Whysper’s interactions with the thread feel kinda uncomfortable? First game in a while, fair enough, but it feels like Whysper’s interacting with players without really sifting through anything, sharing a couple of ideas relating to other player’s roles.

There’s also this post… which should illustrate my point. The day has barely begun, but she’s just chilling. Making jokes to alleviate discomfort, and to appear present.

Possible self-pres instinct.

Funny role.

Eager for players to die.

I find this funny.

Questioning Zone in a lighthearted manner.

I feel like this sentiment’s been going around. You can just ask the host for clarification in your rolecards, people.

What’s your starter? This question is AI.

So let me get this straight: Jarek’s NPCs will kill a bunch of players every so often, seemingly at random. Jarek has eleven jokers. Does this imply eleven random nightkills?

I’m not sure w!Jarek would claim this role, but that’s not a hardread. As a matter of fact, this power just scares me.

Nevermind, one NPC can start killing. Is there a limit on how many jokers you could turn insane? Is there any outward indication, beyond the number of nightkills, when this happens? Will this persist beyond death?

Will they turn into an NPC, or “merely” into a compulsive random vigi?

I wouldn’t call the role useless. That would imply it wouldn’t really impact the game.
Your role definitely isn’t that.

When will they start?

How is this a role?

The clowns persist after death, and will randomly start killing people according to Jarek’s earlier post. Furthermore, players may be turned into jokers. :eek:

If this is an evil role, that’s… devastating.
Do you believe your role should’ve passed review?

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Is that your flavour?

Agrees with Marluna, votes Gorta. Could be opportunistic if unpartnered, could be distancing if partnered.

Imagine receiving a boring role in this game lol.

Eager for bloodshed.

Changes vote to Marluna, which could make the previous Gorta vote worse in hindsight. This Marluna vote kinda looks like Jaiden was waiting for an excuse to vote elsewhere. Nobody responded to this vote.

Town American Citizen.

Mafia joke? TMI five total Mafia if Jaiden’s evil?
Could make sense if Gorta was made into Mafia?

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I guess we’ll wait for everyone to chime in, and in the meantime I’ll close my eyes.

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No limit.Includes players if they transform into jokers.

Tonight. For no reason.