An Attempt at a Sorc 17er - Game Thread

im not legally allowed to answer this, ask in exactly 20 hours

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mildlyyyy non-villagery nuance


VOTE: guavagudetama

nah iā€™d say itā€™s NAI
feels like how I (as town) responded to being accused of scumslipping last game
the accusation against Arete is a lot less severe but if theyā€™re trying to defend from it (as Iā€™d expect them to do based on their posts earlier this game finding it strange that I chose not to defend myself) then it makes sense for them to explain in full

wouldnā€™t normally consider this worth posting but your post got 3 likes

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currently reading guava but remembered something I forgot to post earlier

makes Zorvo / Geyde unlikely w/w, because Agent47 had literally put ā€œGeyde - townā€ in his reads list, so if Zorvo was partnered with Geyde heā€™d probably have noted that.

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this is so funny

this actually feels townie and I literally cannot justify that at all

fwiw the bolded is not wolfy for Zorvo


wait who is saying Arctic is out of scumrange, I donā€™t think thatā€™s true

also he can fake this as mafia

(in the interest of transparency Arctic is probably my top ā€œdeepwolfā€ candidate at the moment, though thatā€™s in part kind-of-silly preflip associations w.r.t. lol getting mildly less wolfy)

if it were deliberate I would parse it as more NAI probably, since in that case thereā€™s obviously a significant joke element to it (though unpartnery with tutuu in particular)

donā€™t really think itā€™s Super meaningful for tutuu regardless of Zug alignment but I guess gun-to-head more likely to be a TMI-read on town!tutuu?

idk my dude I think itā€™s pretty clear :joy_cat:

Iā€™m not sure but definitely not what he gave me

you are mistaken

the question was specifically ā€œif there is a wolf voting for another wolf right now, who is itā€ - I thought lolā€™s vote for Jinxed was most likely of any of the existing votes to fit that, but there could also just. Not be a wolf voting for another wolf

help YBW is bullying me

wait no thatā€™s the opposite of what I meant I want people to sell me on ā€œpeople they think are townā€

kinda think lol/Arctic is a ~difference check

more-than-kinda think that hard-pushing it as a difference check and being wrong is potentially very damaging

but yeah

ā€¦I guess actually the fundamental issue I have with Arcticā€™s slot is that I basically agree with his takes, but thatā€™s all I can really say for him, and thatā€™s scary because in bland/flavorless mountainous I also agreed with most of his takes but didnā€™t have much else (not counting bad and stupid reasons) to say for him, and he was mafia who was just reinforcing my wrong reads, and Iā€™m scared thatā€™s happening again.

I could write a banger wolfcase on Arctic but I wouldnā€™t Really Believe It. donā€™t really know what that means

fwiw I donā€™t really think Apo is wolf anymore

(does rain have a volume tell or is this generalized sortbypostcount)

was going to say this was mildly villagery but then I remembered that apparently lol is more insulting as mafia and now Iā€™m not sure

unfortunately a lot of people there know each other in real life and are running around sharing personal identifying details in offtopic chat so idk if I can link the whole server

I am currently trying to find an easy way to just. export the game-relevant channels, which really seems like it should be doable but so far isnā€™t (I found an extension that wants me to pay money, and I tried copypasting but itā€™s not willing to let me copypaste an entire channel at once on either browser discord or regular discord)

(it was really fun though, stressful but fun ā€“ Iā€™ve never randed wolf in that community before, so they let me get away with all kinds of random bullshit, like I hammered a villager the day before MyLo, which also killed another villager because they had a thing they needed to do to not die before EoD and they didnā€™t do it, and I still endgamed) (I thought it was MyLo but then the vig decided not to shoot an outed wolf which meant we couldnā€™t redirect them into a villager :()

donā€™t think Arctic is IC and specifically disagree with your reasons for thinking he is

have Porscha and Icet as null but idr what your reasoning was and Iā€™m open to being convinced on them

another lolpost that Iā€™m townreading for stupid reasons

and Iā€™m caught up! hooray

taking suggestions for ways to export a Discord channel

The former.
Conpare fam3/KRC to guavaā€™s towngames, and you largely see the difference

arete why is it so hard for you to townread meā€¦ iā€™m just an innocent little boy


Even in games heā€™s less active in because he has no idea what heā€™s doing, ala watchtower, he still had around 400 posts by eod3

I like this post, but given Zorvoā€™s blatant entropy, I canā€™t be too sure on it

I think he probably wouldā€™ve skimmed my list to see where he was on it as scum, at least

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hm okay

Lackadaisy FM - town, died day 1 - 165 posts

FAM3 thread 1 - wolf - 238 posts (too lazy to read through all the other threads unless you think I really should) but itā€™s FAM so most people are more active

?KRC FM - wolf, died day 6 - 442 posts

Wild West FM - wolf, died day 8 - 529 posts

April Showers rain was surv so Iā€™m ignoring it

ENA Genie 13er - town, endgamed day 4 - 439 posts

Grand Idea - town, lived until game ended night 5, 263 posts

right now it doesnā€™t feel like an Obvious Trend but if there are games I should be looking at let me know

oh I missed Watchtower, itā€™s orange in the completed games post for some reason

This is a major difference

also was it d6

It was
I mixed up guava and magnusā€™ lynch timings

yeah I agree that those two games are different, but Grand Idea they had a relatively low postcount as (I think?) town (tbqh I stopped at Grand Idea because it made me think the pattern was fake)

guava hasnā€™t really made me feel anything this game

99% of people who ask for town reads are Mafia

5.2k, about 25% of the posts being made by one person
Equally, itā€™s hard to compare an open, managable, easily to grasp setup to GI, which is GI
The comparsion iā€™m more interested in is lackadaisy, which feels like it more could just be from being pushed then anything else.

The reason I made that comment is I dislike how strangely comfortable Arete was trying to come across, especially to someone who they 1. Have never played a game with, havenā€™t met in a game, never talk to, and 2. Who subbed in recently and 3. How different it is to areteā€™s tone, protrayed in their next post immediately after. The confidence just slides weirdly

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Havenā€™t played a game with, except one game two years ago I hardly posted in.
In which comparing their tone it still feels off

itā€™s not ā€œā€ā€œtrying to seem comfortableā€" itā€™s. answering the question. with words


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