An Attempt at a Sorc 17er - Game Thread

Baker also spews Arctic and Tutuu town as well. Should shoot them.

Well ā€œBombā€ them.

I think you are mixing me up with YBW

Iā€™m well aware who Iā€™m talking about.

Did you forgot about my read on YBW?

I feel like your reaction is ā€œthis is all mafiaā€ panic reaction.
Thanks for spewing your team. :ok_hand: :love_you_gesture:

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Dont bomb baker please @Zugzwang

Ybw apo jinx sultan is the wolf team imo

Baker is frozen wolf now.
My job here is done. :clap:


Not YBW.
Take down a wolf first.

Im mildly concerned about wolf self hammering early

I dont know whats the interaction with the bomb. Does the bomb holder explode onto a random person?



Looks like we all agree on apo and sultan (like all the players) so lets kill those first

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This is Townie.
Anyone who calls Tutuu wolf has to go through me first, and Iā€™ll bring a strange object.


I read the sorc role pm and yeah if hammer occurs before bomber explodes their target is randomized

Also there might be an accidental hammer after the bomb takes out 2 ppl

So pls be careful on day 3 and especially on day 4, higher risk of mistakes with the hammers

why is baker town tho

if you explained in the past ~100-200 posts I did not see it as I have not read up, leaving that till later because it always takes me forever
@ me for town/scumcases or anything I need to see

@baker Iā€™ve now reread the two posts you wanted me to (as well as reread your other posts today). In the first one you claim to have reevaled EoD1 and switched to Arete - but this looks false. You kept Guava at the top of your SRs, and have not pushed Arete today. And obviously the Arete wagon was never going to succeed that close to eod. Also, your vote today on Geyde does not match up with your reads list yesterday at all. And Arctic wasnā€™t calling lol mafia yesterday. He was calling lol null, and criticizing reasons for TRing him.

As for the Arctic/Apo stuff, yeah some of it looks a bit strange, though not that much. Iā€™ve yet to look at Apo but rn Iā€™m fine with their lim today. Not planning to bomb them though because their lim is likely, and atm it looks like you may get away if I donā€™t bomb you here.

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Hmm so you have a history with Artic where you usually are wrong? But the responses make sense from the town mind.

Maybe ill reconsider this i am a bit stubborn when i find contradictions i do see a bit of a frustrated town outta artic and thats where im at.

Iā€™ve rarely/never played with Apocryphal, can someone else tell me if this is true

I forget how do you unvote?

[unvote][/ unvote] without the space