An Attempt at a Sorc 17er - Game Thread

Might just fucking dip to play FFXIV

I’m not having fun

Apply pressure if youre town.

If you truly think someone is scum lock vote them and turn uo the heat.

It seems like youre hesitant to actually push someone

where has this come from you
you literally haven’t mentioned me the entire time then you threw me your pool of strong player tinfoils

I know they’re the same slot

Not my point.


i have only 1 vote trust me id kill you all right now if i had the mechanical capacity

What is your point then?

You called someone lockscum and do not even know why you scumread them

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no it doesn’t
are you saying we’re v/v?

That I’m a dumbass who says stupid shit and that I should read each player independently of each other even if they’re the same slot?

I said what I said because I’ve generally liked Sultan’s posts, but for whatever reason I had called Geyde lockwolf yesterDay

I have a shit fucking memory sometimes

Okay but why are you afraid to use your vote?

I like your though process and your hunting but what good is it if you dont help a train or start your own.

I do think youre town that hadnt changed but it confusing youre not truly pushing anyone exspehally if they are “scumlock”

read through most of apo’s iso
and dajfodspadsfoijojjfidj it is painful to read when it’s filled with 2 word posts that have no substance or importance

I find it very strange that, when I was presenting reasons Guava is scum, they literally just didn’t engage. They had previously said they didn’t understand the wagon there, so… you’d think they’d be at least a little interested.

They don’t seem to have given a lot of reads in general either. And their chaos seems faked, like “haha this person’s wolf !11!!” And nothing makes me think twice - I don’t see any major towny moments.

If at least one of @Zorvo @Olivest are fine with it I’ll bomb there.

Just fucking bomb me tbh

Explainable. Please tell me what you thought when you come back.

taking this as a “i’m not the backup” claim?

I am not the backup

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If we are V/V

One of our mislynches could unfortunately be beneficial to solving the game.

Being POE canidates and ??? Marks.

Idk if i can Exsplain this thought process better than that

potential shroop

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