An Attempt at a Sorc 17er - Game Thread

Don’t feel forced.
That’s what I hate about FM sometimes.
It’s bad play.
I disagree with @Atlas I think that ruins the enjoyment of FM.
You shouldn’t feel forced you should treat both as possible and go with your gut.

don’t ping me unless its important, please.

Nothing is set in stone unless they are IC or Green Checked and even a Green Check can not always be certain.

Ah, apologies.

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it’s fine, i don’t expect you to remember one specific thing i said this game

I wonder who I would have voted between Ice and Olivest.

I think my priority there would be to determine where Ice stands.

Like see if they are wolf using me or actual town.

I do think Ice could have brought up the fact I died and if they were a wolf they would have used me for the end.

Idk about how baker would think towards this but I think for future reference pointing out my death being weird for you as a wolf would have helped somewhat at least.

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i appreciate you thinking about this game, zorvo

It’s always good to reflect.
Not only helps player growth but site growth as well.


@Arete your new avatar :3

now, i know what you might be thinking. “huh, is that it?”

but, if you pay attention, you can see the letters aren’t fully black … it is as if something was written on them…


ahhhh, there we go

enjoy your new avi sweetheart :smirk:


now I just feel bad



sorry im just teasing you

also wait the T and U are cropped. id like them to be in full view

ill fix it

it does look nice aesthetically


yeah the avatar is a rectangle so Discourse cropped it

Another thing I want to bring up.

In a situation like what happened in the first LYLO, there is a greater chance for there to be a Deep Wolf/Misclear then for the solve to be correct.
In allot of games, it’s happened.
It’s rare a game is basically “easy”.

Ice was also the only player in the game at the time that wasn’t cleared in any way throughout the game, which I also found odd.

And as I said Atlas and this is from my experience, I looked at the town perspective of the PoE solve and Ice had the mindset of a Townie and did exactly what a Townie should be doing in their position.

like the non-square type of rectangle


I know losing at f3 can be heartbreaking for town. So here i am with some words for every member of town to hopefully lift spirits a little and take the edge off the sting. Town played very well. This was a conpelling and interesting game to spectate. None of you need feel shame for the outcome.

@Zorvo great improvement. You put town in a f3. Thats always a crap shoot. Keep growing. Good leadership. A steady hand. It wasnt perfect but you kept a cool head. I am proud of that. Keep climbing those steps man. Improvement every game. I love that you take lessons away. Great mindset.

@IcetFeelsPain god you Wimmed it the fuck up. Amazing job. Loved your performance. Small note: dont let the moment in f3 get away from you. If you have a read as town and you believe it just vote asap. If you are wrong it happens. Dont waiy for others to decide your fate. Doesnt have to be first post like abigail, but you were too passive imo. Dont let the loss sting. You were terrific.

@tutuu jesus fucking christ i dont want to deal with you as a wolf. Enjoy your n1s forever if i am a wolf. You are an entire fucking barrel of problems for scum me do you lnow that? Cant get more praise than that from me about town play. Love, your fruitcake :heart::orange_heart:

@baker you got my bloodlust going saying that you caught me early. Thats the spirit. I loved your presence and your tenacity. Dont be hard on yourself. F3 is brutal. You played so well with such drive you deserve to feel bothing but triumph for a game well played. It was q really tough solve so dont torment yourself with what ifs but remember all the fun. My rand bends reality it is really not fair. Looking forward to getting to know you better. Try not to cri too long ok? A person who claims they can catch me knows there is no shame in losing. Dont wallow in dispair too long or you making such blood claims will sully my good name, okay? :ghoststab:

@Arete trolling you in spec was great. Nerd. You played great. Fake claimsd like a boss. You know how highly i value you and you dont take losses as crushing as some might. We will play together on fol some day.

@Apocryphal you post way too fucking much but you played great. We chatted a lot in spec so you know you are a force of nature. Nya.

@Agent47 @Atlas be kind to yourself. You played great. I knoe this wont help much because you are too much like me. But i hope it does one day. You played a game to be proud about. You always find ways to improve. I view this as important. I am my own worst critic too. I hope to play with you again.

@Arctic be kind to yourself. You played very well and i thought the push on you was not a great choice. It happens though. I was chopped day 2 last year for trying to chop the mafia member who had pocketed marl. I laugh it off now.

@guavagudetama try not to… be forced to claim day 1 on nebulous reasons? I thought you were fine. N1s dont usually feel the sting as much but I enjoyed playing with you! Sometimes town demands pr blood lol.

@Geyde hope you feel better! Loved your annoyance at people doing weitd things on this setup.

@SultanOfSlam you never had a chance lmao. Love ya buddy. You know how much i love playing with you.

@Zugzwang change your name to start with an A noob. Loved chatting with you in spec though and i think i already discussed your play! I hope we can play more.

@lol perhaps one day you will be readable. I dont think you deservecto be chopped tbh. I know you let it roll off your back but yeah. To me you player pretty good but it happens. I look forward to trying to read you in the future.

@Jinxed @Magnus @Hazardwaste - hey you two. Its a pleasure watching you two play. You were obvious town early and voting you was my sole act of wolf agenda :ghoststab: i hope we get to play again. One advice though. Dont get modkilled. Aint i a stinker? I loce playing with both of you so much! Hazard your kindness is a treasure. Magnus your ability to he graceful in most scenarios is a lesson i am trying to take in. Thank you both for being a part of our community.

Hold your head high, town. Getting to f3 is a good result. It isnt what you wanted but i have looked over and there is no shame that went on here. Better luck next time!

@thepigeonnyc @Porscha @YoubutWorse @Olivest

You won you dont get heart felt messages. Especially that nerd ybw and may who thought my reality warping couldnt bear their curse. Owned.

(Porscha a pleasure to see you as always)


Gg everyone.


i tested it on my own profile first and it looked like this ;-;
