An Attempt at a Sorc 17er - Game Thread

yeah the preview is misleading

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Who said that

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now for what i did
one. the secondary reason i bombed porscha was because i knew the wolves wanted me to bomb icet. Regardless of whether I thought this was because they were anti-spewing, or the plan was to kill zorvo, I should’ve spoken about this
two. The primary reason I did not is because I cannot, in good faith, kill someone a primary townplayer at the time townreads, without thoughly discussing it with them. At that point, I only wanted to “leave”, due to a combation of real life circumstances and disapproval in the game, so I did not. I should’ve at least tried, although I certainly don’t regret not taking the time to talk.
three. Emotional arguments. I had stated previously I was not taking that into account, due to aforementioned “circumstances”. that is a failure on my end.
four. my primary reason for scumreading icet/arctic, beside the obvious “townreading poe”, was because they did not remotely care to defend themselves until i deemed it to be too late, arctic about 3ish hours from eod, after doomerposting the majority of the day and missing a wagon on someone he apperantly had an at least good read on, and icet, when everyone else was towncored. i need to have figured out a way around this, but i don’t see how other then “lower my standards”, which is not happening.
five. I had failed day one, spectatularly. I had no impact.
six. I failed to properly read YBW. Fixed.
seven. I had, although definitely thinking their meta was off, was fine with letting olivest live. Fixed.
eight. I spent too much time in “stonewall” arguments, where both sides were not budging and were only taking up thread space. It was both a waste of time and did not allow any room for either side to reconsider, irregardless of the fact I doubt I would do it anyway. This will hopefully be fixed.

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ok i squished it, i think it should look better now post-preview

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My Shadow was right to focus on everyone.

I’m kinda ashamed I didn’t follow my shadows orders and just kept being one sided on Baker. :(

Man I understand what my shadow meant though and next game/games I’ll do my best to look at everyone and what not.

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ok done

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why does that look so good


i am now satisfied. i have learnt a lot.
good game


love you :heart:


I feel like that’s actually when Ice needed to pick it up and TMI themselves town tbh.

i value constant play more then “shotgunning”, which is starting to creep in my mind as a flaw

if someone has a relatively solid and constant iso, i am more likely to believe them then a player who has nary but a few good posts

Which is fine but sometimes a player just won’t put in as much at the time if they don’t feel the need or pressure to do so.

They aren’t always able to make themselves obvious town whenever, that usually comes with due time.

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yes, thank you
i have worked out a solution

This is false, I did defend myself earlier than this, around the same posts I cased YBW, which you also didn’t seem to care about

I genuinely do not know what more I could have done on day 2. I gave you two wolves in YBw and pigeon, the former who was incredibly obvious just by gamestate and asking oneself “who is playing the most like mafia?”, and the latter to which you responded “you don’t believe this”

And you in particular voting me while being the backup was especially disappointing because I don’t know how you couldn’t have thought it would be better to kill YBW and bomb me if wrong given our relative values to the game as town

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i didn’t care who died
i deemed you both equal, or ybw greater

Congratulations to the evil team. You all played spectacularly this entire time, you had… what, eights kills to one scum death? This could’ve been a sweep. May managed to score an evil victory before I could, that’s my main takeaway here.
Condolences to Baker and Icet in particular, and the town players who died in the last couple days, but you all did fantastic to turn things around and consider alternate views when your backs were against the wall.

Sorry for getting us modkilled. I had a blank living playerlist and I copied it over for convenience when I wasn’t thinking straight because I was sick, but that isn’t really an excuse when I wasn’t solely responsible for my slot. Hazard was fantastic to play alongside and I hope we’ll get the opportunity to do that again sometime.


Back in 2020 in my last game against SuperYak - someone I admire a lot as mafia player, I had the perfect solve and caught them but I somehow decided to vote on other town because of legacies and emotions. That was probably my most traumatic loss.

I have a serious problem with this for years and I need to find a cure to this mental block. I feel terrible for all the people that put tons of effort this game and that really gets to me at FX I always let it influence me. I have spent a lot of time reading dead townies after kicking Olivest’s butt at SoD for trying to control the game. I know how to stop the juggernaut but then I let the emotions win each time I feel alone and I lose. IDK whats the problem. I have a very good winrate as wolf and 50% town that goes to show my town game is mid. I keep looking at good players and how they maintain above 60% as town but damn I have so much to change and I don’t know where to start… I love being a team player and I just feel terrible when I am left alone.

Also, thank you guys. I really appreciate your kind words and I enjoy the personalities here a lot. FoL people are cool and fun! I truly love playing with you people, there hasnt been a single person that made me feel uncomfortable on FoL.

@Achromatic I didn’t catch you d1 I think I communicated that wrong. I am just fanboying here, please carry on and please invite me to your next game ;p


maybe next time ;)