An Attempt at a Sorc 17er - Game Thread

this is so much fun
i haven’t had an argument like this in a long time

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I’ve missed post games being toxic


lawful evil agent47 energy

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i fail to see how any of these would have been productive, given that i already tried engaging with you, and was mostly shut out, alongside you and arete both saying you were ignoring ate. and believe it or not i do have a level of dignity to avoid doing the second thing

gg to all


the thought process that you cannot engage with a player is an excuse

me not engaging with zorvo on icet was an excuse
this is too

when do we hydra boss

works like a charm in starcraft 2 arcade



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i can’t force feed you, atlas, i don’t play like that anymore, i won’t force people to sheep me. i posted my evidence, using reasons in the game, and made them clear. i can’t interact with every single player in the game and force them to listen to me

i cant understand why you expect me to do everything in this situation. i’m just one guy. and i cased a wolf, towncased myself and my counterwagon

your argument is on the crux that during day two, there was nothing in your power you could do
my argument is that it isnt, it just required more effort then you were willing to put in
we’re arguing the same point

average baker game in arcade


should not have spammed a certain mirrored hindu symbol

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even worse

colored name + UwU


me and may were trying to figure out who the scum was in f3. i was given permission to share that but i do not know how to post that much stuff so just be aware that we spent a large amount of time trying to solve at the end there


we are not arguing the same point. i believe i put in as much effort as i could, i really don’t appreciate the implication from you otherwise. you aren’t me. i was mentally drained at that point and i was very close to giving up. this goes back to my original point. you would have been able to find me if you put yourself in my shoes. everything i did was explainable from my perspective as town being treated in the way i was, after a game that was already going badly, partly because of my own fault, and yet receiving most of the blame in the form of a scumcase collectively sheeped by everyone just for the sake of it

hey arctic if we’re gonna keep being assholes to eachother do you wanna go inflate our cookie thread postcount instead


smol baby @Arctic surviving the second mischop of his career

it was a bit rough, he’s very unused to it, so that’s why he looks a bit stressed, but he’s a good boy, didn’t stop being cute, and he’s still hanging in there. he will grow up to be a biiiig strong chonker

we should all pat arctic and rub his belly, he will quickly forgive and meow :3


I’m going to go back (and cry myself) to sleep

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