An Attempt at a Sorc 17er - Game Thread

just know that i disagree with everything you said

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please dont cry :frowning:

we all love you! all of us!

bad agent 47 bad!


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oh, the reason behind the alt thing is just cause i thought it would be funny
it wasn’t!

I know
the aura I am interpreting from the responses in this post-game is that I am alone in thinking that I wasn’t treated fairly on day 2 so it may be the case that I am just being entitled. that’s fine, I think people will want to defend their actions and I’m likely painting an exaggerated image of this game for those who didn’t follow along because I’m biased since it’s from my point of view

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you do not have to be obnoxious about it

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i’m beginning to worry this is actually having an effect on you personally
i just wanted something fun to talk about
i’m going to stop talking now, you can say your final rebuttal or something then go do what you need to do
i won’t speak in this thread again

counterpoint: porscha finds you hilarious, and you’re one of her favorite mafia players now precisely because of the agent gimmick

if you want my honest response:

  • I think it was fair to push you on the basis of your read accuracy (even giving it being day 2, and given no wolves flipping) - we had four dead PoE villagers, and I don’t think we had the luxury to wait for a wolf flip given the gamestate
  • I think I was probably being excessively uncharitable in my treatment of your defense, there are probably words you could have said that would have convinced me but I am not as sure of that as i would like
  • if I had survived the night + been given the bomb I was planning to bomb YBW so your legacy wouldn’t have gone to waste (not that it did in practice!) (I did not think this was a very likely scenario)
  • I didn’t want people to autosheep my reads for being the ‘backup’ but I also don’t really feel like I can complain since. It was in fact my choice to claim
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I still do not understand why you have the impression that this is indicative of my alignment

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you would do it ~100% of the time as wolf and less than 100% of the time as town

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that’s fair

I think this is more valid. I don’t think it was valid enough to kill me over someone who had more concrete reasons to be a wolf than this, but I guess that’s subjective

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also in Bland & Flavorless I kept being like ‘wow you’ve pushed a lot of villagers, are you perhaps a wolf’ and you kept being like ‘nooo haha I’m just bad at the game, classic Arctic towngame lol!’

yes, I know that you felt this game was mirroring that game at times, but there’s a reason why I was invoking my town game in b&f

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tbh the single thing I did this game that was most unfair to you was handling your slot based on how stupid I would feel if I let you get away again

which is like

the exact opposite of my theoretical town philosophy

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well anyway I wanted to achieve two things with this post-game

  1. make people re-evaluate their relationship with mindless sheeping (that is - sheeping without consideration of reasoning or likelihood of accuracy - I already talked about the former but the latter is also relevant given that empirically speaking arete is not likely to have a good read on me)

  2. make people recognize that I shouldn’t be held to the standard of townplay that I was killed for in this game, or that anyone should

and it would seem that I have accomplished neither, but instead I feel that I have only made people feel marginally worse about how they played in this game while demonstrating that I have the emotional maturity of an 8 year old. so I think all of this was quite pointless, really

zorvo moment
(i’m glad you brought this up though)

have a pint with the lads down at the pub you’ll be a new lad real soon cheers mate :beers:

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things seem a lot now but years from now you’ll just laugh off stuff like this and similar situations will seem mundane, i can swear thats the case

ask anyone older than you too

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