An Attempt at a Sorc 17er - Game Thread

I canā€™t really do anything irl at the moment because (well actually just after day 2) I came down with two entirely unrelated infections (one of which is quite debilitating) while weā€™ve been trying to move house

I wouldnā€™t have been able to play very well had I not died anyway


Btw for the people in the back. I never faked being magnus. Mag played the chaos card

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Honestly the irony behind me being in an intense argument you popping in mod killing us then leaving was honestly fucking hilarious

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my poor baby :heart: i hope you get better

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wow and i felt bad for u and i even tried to console u coz u were new

magnus wtf fam you quoted YOUR OWN POST??? :rofl:


I was more focused on my other game due to me being scum. But of course I couldnā€™t say that so i was kinda relieve we got out early? Kinda?

And our death got a lot of people on right worlds . So mvp mod kill



Always fun guessing the wolf team with only one wrong slot, and two correct difference checks

Only for people to ignore that I put Porscha and Icet as a difference check

On d2 as well!

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games hard ;-;

i dont think that expecting baker to consider your read of porscha and icet being at a difference check entirely because both of them didnā€™t vote d1 is a reasonable expectation

Youā€™re right

But nya

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I did consider but the majority was in favor of chopping IceT.

I think Arete pointed out an interesting thing. I need to stop choking because of the graveyard pressure. I should start having more confidence in myself but idk where to begin

I clearly didnā€™t mean to do so. It was a first-time mistake.


shit happens mate no sweat

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Actual thoughts about this:

While I recognize that I am definitely a Player of All Time

I think I need a lot more forum mafia experience and data to confirm if I really am a ā€œforce of natureā€ for sure

But also


Iā€™m a force of nature and can be unreasonably accurate considering how I play this stupid fun game


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To be fair regarding how we read Icet

Manā€™s underwhelming by a lot

Which tbh

Should have been a key clue to solving the game

Never makes sense having two (then three) underwhelming slots + YBW (and formerly Achro)

But alas

Scummy town gonna scummy town