An Attempt at a Sorc 17er - Game Thread

Oh, I see the confusion.
I used “rand-read” as the term because it was close or around rand as the starting metric, sorry.

“>rand [x]” means “more likely than random chance to be x”

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ftr i dont townread lol or anything and actually kinda scumread him (not to the degree that it seems others do) but can we keep him alive because i think he’s funny

can you elaborate on this?


I believe in host balance. I know teams are randed but who knows maybe there have been a swap or two ;p

It also helps me see where the game is heading to and helps me deduce better. Not everyone has to believe in that but I had good consistency with it

a big thing to take note of is that they aren’t used to this type of forum

and i dont think they’re used to so much volume. its overwhelming for them, of sorts

the rest is just meta; my personal past experiences with the player. hard to explain. i just got a feel for how they play, how their brain works etc

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yes really

i think achromatic is muted compared to their usual self and the gap in their play is filled with perfomativeness

or “something is off”


Literally just… fr.

Yada yada. Compare that to this game.

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I have confidence achro will obv town themselves

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he just like me fr

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and if they randed wolf?

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819 and 889 different formatting and hmm

feels weird as in, you are a schizo like me? lol

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i can
from what i remember it seemed like arete was talking to you in a way of “i like what you’re saying but it lacks actual belief and substance” and so your response to arete seemed sort of pockety? like im also townreading arete and I think what u said was fair but it still felt like a little bit of a lack of actual belief and like it came kinda too late compared to when it shouldve. I feel like the post where you make it clear you towwnread arete should have been something that happened sooner and the fact that i happened after arete sussed you read kinda weird to me, but like I said in the past this rasoning is fairly conf biased and it isn’t like something a villager doesn’t do whatsoever, i can easily see that coming from town you its just my brain is going like “this is scummy”

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yeh im a weirdo

whats artificial about it though?

and they were scum that game?

I am pretty sure this is illegal on FOL and I have seen some really bad wolf teams.

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He literally admitted in his opening posts that he was going to strive to take a backseat this game since he tends to warp games around him here more than what is fun for most people

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