An Attempt at a Sorc 17er - Game Thread



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You liked Zugz right May?
Was there anything else other than that one post that stuck out to you as v indicative

I like em more then Arctic.

I like the push on Achro here.

I like this vote on Arctic here.

I like the fact that Arctic is a Loooooser for being so late in the CamGrrl is Town Fan Club.

The recent spree of posts yelling at us for posting words trying to solve the game can get in the bin. Nothing better is happening. Read the posts and play the game.

I wish I knew who you were, youā€™re fun.

Itā€™s only been 5 hours. Whatā€™s the rush?

Why are you so serious? Itā€™s just a game. Relax a little.

Far too easy a read to make here. If achro and I were mafia this is fakeable distancing.

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I genuine.y remember zero of their other posts so Not Really. None struck me as wolf texture enough to think about and I generally overread wolf texture so thatā€™s a good sign though

Camgirrl, no need to out but would you mind telling me about how long ago we last played with one another? For reference.

The thing thatā€™s been worrying me about the slot is how much thread turned on them once I mentioned that the vote pressure has been low
like it opened the floodgates for people

I am not to that part yet :-1:

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What have you done with achro?

Iā€™m literally just posting words and trying to figure out your alignment instead of just lock towning you and praying like all these other people seem content to.

To do that requires me to analyse your mindset assertively. I canā€™t solve you passively. And if youā€™re mafia Iā€™m not content to just lose to you

CamGrrl has a similar Playstyle to Lady IMO.
They are going ham right now NGL.

I just figured out that the pain from my left index finger is probably from when I ate a popsicle while playing Stardew Valley earlier and held it weird for a little too long and thatā€™s fucked up

Also I like this post in terms of ā€œZug thinks like me and plays like meā€ I donā€™t know that it actually makes me more confident in my townread


Iā€™m not really trying to hide who I am here but right now it feels better that you donā€™t know. Iā€™ll out my alt soon.

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Bad ham or good ham?

Okay, so letā€™s talk.

I have chosen quite purposefully to be different than I used to be on FOL. You say you have previous experience with me, and it shows with your approach. I get it. But Iā€™m a different guy here. I have a gojo PFP. I post gifs a lot. I help people learn and grow here and I have fun.

I am 13-0 this year, I have lost 1 game total on this site period. My effort and style do not appear to have effected my teamā€™s win rate. You are free to pursue whatever you wish, but if you expect me to be hyper serious or not having fun then I am afraid youā€™re going to be stuck on me for awhile.

I donā€™t.
Some people just prey on the power players to carry them.

Not me, I aim to carry the game and help my team.
Take down the wolves that others wonā€™t.

That being said I got called into raid due to a DC, so Iā€™ll catch you guys later, and Iā€™ll post more gifs.

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