April Showers Reconstructed - TOWN VICTORY!

Its not “to hard” its random


that’s a very roundabout way to say too hard


Yeah but Lee probably will, is his point. Voting people makes them mad at you. It makes them even often self-pres onto you! He plays as town to not get executed very intentionally and it’s something I could use more of but my personality juts doesn’t let me


ok i think someone is town

I said its because i dont want to be the reason someone had their game ended especially when im wrong. So i let the experimce players go ahead and help out when i can.

No its a roundabout way to say its fucking random there is no strategy ppl just shoot wildly in the dark

how long have you played this game for? how can you say this what fuck

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on here like 6 months

fucking random alright then why not just use a roulette wheel, why even care about asking for my reads or anyone’s

how do you expect to get better at D1 if you don’t try? You have to fail to learn to be correct, so this is a fundamentally flawed way to view the game. Also getting exed is part of the game and if you genuinely get upset over it then they shouldn’t be playing FM anyways.


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cuz the only way to split it is nonsensical logic

The only times D1 works is if somebody says something that is way to weird for town to say

@Someone you would probably see D1 feeling much less random if half the playerbase didn’t like refuse to participate during D1 as well

alright sooner or later you come to realise players here aren’t just picking whoever, no strategy is perfect but mot players try their best to find patterns between town and wolf behaviour, sorry for swearing at you but it does irritate me when people say this, you won’t be the first nor the last I suspect

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Were going to juat kill another inactive. Swear we do this every time i play on here…

Lee gonna flip town just like every damn time i play here when we settle for this.

Thats why i take a back seat into the game so i can learn by watchimg thats one of the best ways to learn imo. This is my third game ever so you cant expect me to go and say lets kill (x) bevause this is sus. I have the lack of knowledge on players unlike all of the people who have played with each other. As you can tell i play this game selfishly becausr i prio my surival until its nesscary for me to die to clear worlds unless im 100% certain on something

going for lee is lazy and boring fr


Vote Bionic with me. Theyve given no real reads and everything theyve said is hiding behind irony and memes to avoid having to say things. And it is working as everyone keep saying “that is just Bionic” everytime I mention this.

its quite rare now, usually topposters get hung