April Showers Reconstructed - TOWN VICTORY!

Cool so when I flip green you’ll know that it’s my genuine read of you :+1:

Here’s something else for you Sultan, if your case on me is predicated on me having reads town-me ought not to have, then why would you not, for consistency’s sake, focus similar attention to Ghidorah?

In his first post he towned both myself and Bionic, after I had made one post myself. Now I myself think that that boldness of an opening and relative lack of concern for their read to make sense to anyone in the thread looked less likely to be wolf, but predicated on your own logic, would that not ring suspicious to you? And yet I don’t believe you have pushed him at all.

cool ill call this performative


VOTE: MemeKingPizza

I do not like the Kiiruma push but I think bystander is probably a towny but I dont like their thoughts. MemeKingPizza had poor entrance and I think has been akward and not done anything so a good vote.

I think Zoltraak is also a fine vote but I dont know if it will get support.

Hey goose its my turn to reply to this. My entrance was a bit so if tou want to kill me on a bit go ahead. But this is the first time im being voted with out someone defneding. This is me on my own in this game so my reactions arent going to be normal to you because its day 1 and you havent played with im p sure. Like saying people are sus in this stage is something i dont like doing at all so i just left it st that because if i said more about it… it would attract attention and could get me myself voted.

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This is why @Zoltraak

They clearly siad it was gut read and not making up reasons as they go

they put teo bitches with fatigue on a hydra


hold on im gonna read now

The timing is so weird there.
Meme finally starts replying to Goose after being voted.
But it could just be a funny coincidence.

but your problem with me was that I had said ‘70%’ without giving reasons? So are they important or not?

Bestie i was typing and in school.

Unless i typed that entire thing in a minute it was clear it was written before the vote.


Derps didnt say he was confident in them just i have a gut feeling way different.

I think i caught you and im pretty sure i caught you so im not going to waste more time here.


I mean if you’re on laptop I could imagine typing quickly, but it’s fair enough. It could just be a coincidence, just was kinda funny

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I think your problem here is that you assume me saying 70% is anything close to being extremely confident, rather than simply ‘cautiously optimistic’

I don’t believe you’re stupid enough to believe that this is alignment indicative. As you said you’re a former champs player, it would be nice if you started playing like one.

have to agree here bystander weird

this is an ongoing bit i had and may putting bounderies down to stop it. it just happened to be in a game. NAI