That’s a 2:1 ratio.
Maybe dont go for the person softing mason idk
That screams mason fakeclaiming
or just a reasonable analysis of the game’s social dynamics
Im terrible at guessing mechanics, when Iv tried to guess nightkills and keep track for a bit when I was more active in the past I managed to guess like 3/25 kills or something along those lines lmao
their arent masons LOL
if their are masons this game is actually FUCKED for scum balance wise lmfaooo
Are what I’d say for a 15P game.
The 12v2v1 being unlikely to put it mildly.
guaranteed 1 neut minimum
so 11v3v1
I mean even just looking at the doctor aspect - protect a townread? worst case scenario is mafia kills someone who isn’t your top townread, and plus as a general rule, more processed mechanics =more info
Masons in 15p game is a bit of a meme
or 10v3v2
It seems the most balanced if we know there’s a neut. Yes
Neutral claim we promise to protecc you
town of salem and its consequences have been a disaster for the game of mafia
Jailor moment
They did recently like patch ToS2 tho and like it became a lot better
and by recently I mean like 3 days ago