April Showers Reconstructed - TOWN VICTORY!

hmm maybe this isn’t the best

VOTE: Magnus

Vote yourself bionic cuz nobody else dies today

nah, quick votes are evil stuff

Yea and i want you to do it now so u dont later

Of course the town-siding neutral’s neighborhood is all coordinately pushing a townie

The sqaure is good. The trio of us is probably good )
(With the nuet). So thats 6 out of ten plus teen .aking 7 possible confirms

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beacuse pushing townies is so town-sided

Square should out

Evils know who they are hiding it helps mafia only

even if i die i think town has a great chance after this

because pushing confirmed neutrals is also so pro-townie in a game where there’s one mafia left :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

where does it say there’s only 1 left

Do you want to assume the qorld of four mafia

9/4/2 is the standard tos rolelist

This is a reasonable divergence from the aforementioned Monk role to warrant its own existence, this is a believable claim and it explains your aggression. You and Meme were communicating implicitly throughout the thread, I saw an implicit comment somewhere although I forgot where it was positioned.

A few mechanical questions. How is “the end of the game” defined in the case of either of your neighbours being Mafia? If the playerlist shuffles your position around, does that affect your targets? Because you were neighbouring Eve earlier this game and you seemed frustrated in that chat.

4 mafia, 2 neutrals, 9 town would be crazy

I think this is mech solvable based on people locations imo at this point

We are stuck with each other in our little private world ish

Everyone except Someone, Bionic, Leafia, Wazza and myself are mech-town, I think.