April Showers Reconstructed - TOWN VICTORY!

The mechanical reason I had was mistaken. Nonetheless, Meme voted Bystander really early on and risked their death with no Mafia incentive to do so. It’s divided from Wazza’s claim entirely.

honestly I thought Someone was more town than Meme but that’s just me


That’s not my reasoning, I just stole it.

sorry Meme, you’ve been about as neutral as me

I’ll go under an alt for the rest of my days.

D: I have been actively helping you. ||(This is my playful shock)||

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I’ll ensure I gain moderator powers just to check IPs just so I can ensure that your FoL career is over, you’ve been turned into a copypasta forever, goodbye

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Goodbye :gun:

I’ll give it a look over.


I don’t need moderator privileges to enable a mobile VPN to obfuscate my location all over the globe.

Pretty sure wazza is referring to internal communications

I’ll fly to Australia and hunt you down forever, I’ll make sure that no matter what I’m always 50m away from your location so that I can prevent you from playing FoL ever again

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Well that certainly doesn’t help.

I would find the killer snail more intimidating.

yeah to be fair so would I

Among us (funny) form the trio pov the poe is : lefia binoic and you

Since i trust the other people much more

Like a lot more.

Leafia doesn’t feel like she should be in the POE. You would have known by EOD1 if she was evil.