April Showers Reconstructed - TOWN VICTORY!

I’m going to make it clear, I’m not going to sit here trying to encourage or entice you to who we should vote, in truth, I don’t know who’s mafia, I literally don’t have a clue, I can just sit here and tell you who I think isn’t mafia and tell you why.

I’m trusting you guys with the additional knowledge specifically about neighbourhoods and what not to choose who we vote, as long as I can be convinced on it, I’m willing to vote it, obviously I have the 3 people I wouldn’t vote, myself included.

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Meme and someone is pure poe as well, but you just happen to be in the way.

Should people believe your wincon for beign neutral that has two town targets and we havent caught that up from this time?

yeah I’m actively encouraging you not to vote them, I’m doing my job and what I set out to do

No, but that’s why I’ve activately stated instead of listening to me and what I say on those two, why not ask those two instead? I’ve made it clear we’ve got a problem that instead of listening to what Memeking and Someone could say on one another or on themselves, instead my word is being relied upon.

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Make a clear answer to me

You are not just benign town, you have two town targets?

this actively feels like a trap question

I don’t know the answer myself if thats you worried

I’m completely confident I have two town targets, you’re just making me repeat myself on it.

No, I have no way to sit here and actively completely confirm them, I can’t sit here and reveal their alignment to you but I’ve given my reasonings on why I think Someone specifically is town

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So you dont know alignments?

I don’t get what you mean by this, I’m a neutral with what I presume and am confident to believe is two town players to protect.

Because thats a problem

I have no way to confirm them, I’ve said this many times, but both have actively shown me why I should believe they’re town, especially Someone, who I’ve stated I trust more to be town over Memeking

I could be pocketed by Someone, but actively disregarding what I say because I might be lying about what is stated in the hood chat when there’s almost definitely one wolf remaining is disheartening and sort of makes it difficult for me to make any argument regarding what I know.

Memeking can confirm anything I say about Someone, Someone can confirm anything I say about Memeking.

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now if you want to continue to vote Someone, can you at least tell me what you’re going to do when they flip Town instead of question dodging it

Normally meme will be next, to no relation of your wincon.

Again, Someone the player argues there is a second evil player.

Its desperation and I am baffled you are blind to it.

Evil player in love square, look it up yourself if you don’t believe it.

And then when Meme flips town?

I’ll have to see this because all of our discussion in the hood has been us actively stating there is only 3 evils

Yea the push i instantly started when you claimed neutral and has been going since the previous day is a desperate last attempt with 12 alive players at the time of the first vote

i wouldn’t solve the game even if i wanted, I’m not good at reads, I’m mostly going by gut

actually i see no reason to not vote you, I don’t even trust your neighbors, and they are voting me

VOTE: wazza

@TeenGhidorah @Leafia @Magnus @Kiiruma @Frostwolf103 @SultanOfSlam sorry for the ping but i ask you all to vote wazza, the neutral is using their neighborhood to try and push an execution on me out of mostly wazza spite, wazza can only protect someone and meme anyways, they’re mostly not townie, this is better than a mislynch

Right now 10 players, 8 tomorrow, 5 the day after tomorrow.

I don’t know whom or what, but that leaves between love square hood and there’s another hood rn.