April Showers Reconstructed - TOWN VICTORY!

Would Bionic attack and invite me to the hood at same time, Wazza?

Like honestly, you telling me the PoE is wrong but yours aint correct either.

lmao Iā€™ve said like 4 times Iā€™m fine to actively vote someone else if I have to

youā€™re not that important

crazy how youā€™ve also just described yourself considering your little contributions to games I find you in

so? Iā€™m town, youā€™re not

I donā€™t know, I donā€™t care, this is actively what Iā€™ve told you to discuss not with me and instead with everyone else, Iā€™m going out of my way to question you on your reads on players I believe to be town, Iā€™m not going to pick and choose who you vote here, decide that for yourself, I genuinely canā€™t sit here and convince you to not vote someone I believe to be town and then convince you to vote someone I believe to be mafia, thatā€™s far too overzealous, especially when Iā€™m literally a neutral.

Iā€™ve given my piece and Iā€™ve given you what I believe you need to question, if you end up voting Someone regardless of everything Iā€™ve given you, go ahead, Iā€™m too tired to care anymore as Iā€™ve tried my hardest

youā€™re embarrassing ngl

remind me not to join games with you again, I was warned off this as well :joy_cat:


actively donā€™t think youā€™ve contributed a read to this game except for ā€œkill the neutā€ lol

yup i did say that


Iā€™m glad to hear about your amazing contributions

now watch as this neutral continues to contribute more than you, a town

in other news, Bionic is almost definitely town

VOTE: Magnus

@Someone @Memekingpizza

bent under pressure unreal

crazy how you havenā€™t even read the thread when Iā€™ve been constantly saying that Iā€™ll vote Magnus over you lol

go back to your random number generator, mr. gutreader

So what about Magnus?

Bystander tried to vote Eve previous day and failed.

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You telling us weā€™ve no reasons, but yours aint better.

I either vote Magnus or I vote a player I believe to be Town like what more do you want from me, trying my hardest here

Iā€™m actively just going to defend the players I think are town, not encourage you to vote whoever, how many times do I have to say this before it gets into your head ffs

Nah fam, if anything I heard you out and youā€™re just wasting our time to get town win, without you.

You realize soon enough I am correct and you picked wrong friends.

I spent about 2 hours arguing with you about how I believe Someone is Town all for you to convince yourself and trip over your own feet because you made some random assumption about my role for no reason

Iā€™m entirely too tired to argue with you anymore especially considering you literally didnā€™t hear me out and that was what half the argument I kept saying was.

If youā€™re so entirely convinced on Someone, just ignore me, just make it clear you wonā€™t listen to my arguments instead of constantly trying to make me argue with you just to not even bother with it, youā€™re actively wasting my time when I could actually be arguing with people who would listen.

I wish I got to choose my choices lol