April Showers Reconstructed - TOWN VICTORY!

While you berate me for a bad veteran?

actively if you want to listen to your own poe

ā€¦listen to your own poe? I donā€™t care enough, Iā€™ve defended Someone for quite a while and if youā€™re still not convinced I donā€™t care

stop going around in circles with me and just make a decision, youā€™re not getting anything more from me

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fair then I cant help you.

Iā€™m not even going to sit here and pretend it Iā€™m going to disregard what I said, I said what I said and I meant it, especially at the time.

You actively disregarded my argument and refused to engage in it while telling me you were engaging with it. This isnā€™t the first time youā€™ve done this in a game with me either and itā€™s extremely frustrating to deal with as a player.

I donā€™t care if Iā€™m a neutral, Iā€™m also trying to play the game and you know, engage in discussions and do what Iā€™m supposed to do.

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Then try different approach

ā€œdonā€™t discuss or argue with playersā€

alright might as well not play fol then

next time Iā€™ll just go pure mechanical approach instead, donā€™t worry, I wonā€™t try and improve as a player and learn how to read, whatā€™s the point because we have people like Frost who actively tell you not to, thanks Frost, Iā€™m gonna improve a lot now, thank you so much :+1:

No, because your approach makes me less to cooperate, its not hard to understand.

my approach of actively trying to defend a player I believe to be town and have you engage by arguing to me why they arenā€™t town isnā€™t what Iā€™m supposed to be doing?

the fuck am I supposed to be doing to make you ā€œco-operateā€ then, because actively you donā€™t do shit anyway so why should I bother

So letā€™s repeat back where I am at:

Everyone besides Someone and Memekingpizza I have cleared socially, mechanically and wagonmatics wise.

Its a 50/50

kill them then

I donā€™t care enough anymore, you disregard my statements, then sit there expecting me to want to engage with you, like tf else do you want me to do here?

Iā€™m not engaging anymore

do whatever you want, but when you kill a town, I ainā€™t doing shit to rectify it, Iā€™ll just win and leave idc

Poe is still basic


Atleast in my mind

if we want to cut someone or meme, we should go though wazza first, otherwise they just mafia side

I am currently supressing myself, Wazza as shown here, honestly donā€™t give two hoots she have mafia target.

its more effective to go after the mafia rather than neutral, but my vote is open for that.


alright i can support that

Honestly, Someone cant make this up and expect, yeah our hood is pure like Wazza said

VOTE: Magnus