April Showers Reconstructed - TOWN VICTORY!

Which means you are wrong plain and simple its not that hard, but your ego doesnt let you comprehend the notion you could be wrong

No because you’re lying.

Keep being wrong

The worse case scenario I get a town executed and a neut leaving the game.

I call it acceptable casualties.

Same question to yall what happens if magnus flips town?

Magnus/Leafia/Bionic is POE

in no particular order

What happens if Sultan flips town
What happens if Frost flips town
What happens if Kiiruma flips town
What happens if Leafia flips town
What happens if Bionic flips town

Yeah, back to Wazza, Memekingpizza and Someone.

And by then they already won


VOTE: Someone

We’ll see about that then, I wont shed a tear.

The neut wont keep you protected much longer.


Magnus is the over lapping for me.

Bionic is town.

Leafia i have nonreason to think otherwise.

It has to be one of those 3, unless its in the square, which I will hold square people responsible on

That is not my job, those 3 need to sort that out

`No you don’t.

I am sure the love square took out one mafia out, there’s no reason they should vote each other out after that.


Neut monk neighbore is a mistake

Its your job, not my problem

You basing your assumption there’s 2 evils in love square

Thats the dumbest thing I ever heard.

Unlike my conviction, you and meme does not belong in Wazza’s circle.

No im not stop spinning my words