April Showers Reconstructed - TOWN VICTORY!

I’m not attacking you as a player.
I think you’re a fine player.
I’m disagreeing with sheeping in general including sheeping you in this instance.

tonally you said otherwise but hey

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That’s the fun thing about the online world.
Tone is something which can be a right pain to get right :D

bystander has shown townier posting more recently and on a reread I have like them a bit more. Although I disagree with some of their thoughts I can see logic. My next /FoS is Zoltraak however. I still do not like many of their logic or thoughts and they appear made up.

/FoS Memekingpizza. I do not like their entrance, their reaction to being voted is awkward, and they have not contributed meaningful discussion in my opinion.

question mark???

C’mon guys vote wrongboy

it’s the vote for d1 be cool

Do you have a win con to.vote our wrongboy?

What is the case against wrongboy?

hi there! i do not have more information. it was a vague overview
how they moved from thought to thought didnt feel natural to me. its just vibes.

the case is theyre a hydra and grrr im angry

I agree, I also think Zoltraak thoughts seemed unnatural but I cannot describe exactly why.

i doubt it given they first tried to vote a different hydra i think they are really just pushing to push

regardless of tone it was an attempt to discredit me by appealing to someone else over me not being a player you want sheeped or something?

aka baseless stuff

idk what to tell you half of me talking to pandora is echoing exactly what it says youre straight up just hating on my whimsy and good vibes
ermm not awesome. downvote

yah i get that kind of

i think jumpy progressions in general arent really a wolfy thing on its own its more of the agenda behind it and i dont rlly see one rn but i get wym

is she not gonna post?

calling u wolfy for smth is not hating on your vibes lol

bionic can u find a real push now idt wrongboy is a good d1

she posted yesterday and went to bed late last night. youre hating on her sleepything bedmaxxer lifestyle and i think you just hate our whimsy and good vibes ermmm not awesome downvoted