April Showers Reconstructed - TOWN VICTORY!

What ability did she claim?

And why wouldn’t she just claim gladiator, it’s a loud action

Regarding votes weight?
Let me check again, this is remembering from memory

That was her ability though.

it wasn’t a hard gladiator, that was just the ability

feel like shit, might just vote Kiiruma to feel better

VOTE: Kiiruma

ahh that feels better


do something

:joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat:


“Its not good anyway”

it isn’t really, it’s not a hard gladiator so it’s kinda mid and honestly sounds like a mafia action more than a town one

Anyhow, Bystander is very disconnected in hood chat, her claim didn’t also mattered because she end up voting us.

Add this with calling Leafia and Zoltraak bussers on LittleLee wagon D1, and voting Eve/Magnus at Day 3, Bystander would have been actively sabotaging her teammates, you will begin to understand why I didn’t think its Leafia or Magnus and want to vote Someone.

Unless you know where the wolf theater play takes place.

We would be voting you, so we can finally vote Someone.

I have been trying to get Someone executed instead, damm your wincon.

You attacked my play, that’s fine I shouldn’t be upset to you.

But you know resistance is futile

thing is, Someone’s role doesn’t make sense to be a wolf, it goes the same for me and Memeking as well, literally makes no sense

Healing is manipulation.

But that is me quoting Kreia from KoTOR2 the sith lords.

Someone want another player executed from love square, this helps us but they will end up killing one, keep going until there is none left.

This helps your goal to be fullfilled, but your beef isnt with us, you want to deal outside two hoods which now remains with Magnus and Leafia, but I already explained my reasons.

Shit I’m gonna be completely honest forgot you guys can’t action atm

alright well we’re at an impasse

you can kill me then ig

I will be also honest with you, it wont stop factional attacks, I asked the host about it.

Yeah dw, I already assumed that