April Showers Reconstructed - TOWN VICTORY!

I won neutral killer game with the entire game alive, insta ending it.

How come?

Read from before Leafia voted LittleLee to after Leafia voted LittleLee, it feels like two heavily different attitudes, like Leafia was trying to claim some form of credit for the LittleLee kill and show ā€œhey look I contributed I helped kill themā€

also if youā€™re talking about the contradiction, the next three words

show what I was saying

Yeah I mistakingly quoted the second point with it.

This here?

im gonna sleep :wave:

None of these posts feel town motivated now that youā€™re showing me again tbh

The first post youā€™ve sent doesnā€™t really bring much to my eyes, itā€™s too early to make a read like that from Leafia and I donā€™t often see her vote someone with a genuine reason that early, she is someone known for conviction in her reads so Iā€™ll give her that in her favour, although sheā€™s easily swayed.

The other voting LittleLee post is the one Iā€™m talking about as being important here, I donā€™t like it at all, even with the flip, feels more like a bus to me there

I donā€™t see anything wrong with Zoltraak defending

Which is one of my points I am reading Leafia town

Votecount as of post #4593

Wazza (2): SultanOfSlam, Leafia
Leafia (2): Wazza, Someone

Not Voting (4): Frostwolf103, Memekingpizza, Magnus, Kiiruma

Correct, because itā€™s more about saving Zoltraak. Which you failed to bring this up.

Pushing someone to save someone isnā€™t pushing with a reason or conviction, itā€™s merely just portrayed as saving someone.

So now I ask you the question of if she pushed LittleLee to save Zolt, why does she deserve the credit for it then? Why are you giving her credit for the LittleLee push?

Look I have nothing much to do smh.
I already lost my ability, Iā€™m trying to figure out who our best wolf candidate is.
Iā€™m at a convention and was at a wedding yesterday evening so my mindā€™s in like 100 different places x3

Iā€™ll have a think over things

(To Teen)

Eve was entirely absent Day 3, but her reads are anything but paperweight.

But she hasnā€™t given up pursuit.

Magnus did in fact self-voted.


Yes I know :stuck_out_tongue:
But I am around atm and thatā€™s whatā€™s important lol.
Iā€™ll try and keep an eye via mobile too somewhat and occasionally pop onto pc

I am beginning to inclined to vote Magnus instead, Wazza.