April Showers Reconstructed - TOWN VICTORY!

You have 0 reason to be saying this bys.
I feel like you’re trying to be purposefully oblivious at this point.

Okay the contradiction aside your town reads are outta the blue and your scum reads look like youre just throwing ahit at the wall

Contradict might be the wrong word but i dont think you understand scum can vote for orher scum and fake interactions thats why i asked tou if you were new.
.you seem to be taking everything at surface level either youre poor town or tmi scum knowing we arent paired.
Make sense yet

this is just 100% lie cuz like.

i am definitely providing reads. and taking strong stances

you did not answer the question thats a fact

can you asnwer?

keyword their is mostly, meaning most not all


VOTE: bystander

The slot’s seeming oblivious to the point where I can’t trust that it’s just a small overlooked thing. I feel like it’s on purpose. The reads provided also feel like it’s mostly just trying to get people on side to increase survivability for the long term.

I don’t see the need for this tone at all.

Of course plenty of things are possible, but I’m looking at the game from what is likely that’s all I or anyone can do. You speak about my reads as if I’ve chiseled them in stone and can’t ever change them, again you know this game well enough that plenty of players post running updates of their reads as they go and rarely are they immutable.

Make sense yet? How about you first, buster.

No. And the fact you’re asking it means you’re straight up wolfing lol

VOTE: Kiiruma


sultan also asked and i did too and you never answered so im asking again

What do you mean “what”?
Stop acting oblivious.

I explained something when Sultan asked and Sultan seems to have picked up on it unlike yourself.

you literally just said that you think im a wolf bc i asked you why you think that


Not a fan of this slot, especially based on the recent interactions I’ve just had to read, I feel like their conclusion that they’ve just garnered from interacting with bystander is sort of sucky, especially sucky to the conclusion to place a vote because of “oblivious = wolf”

I want a further explanation on your whole vote here, @Kiiruma, do it when you’re not interacting with bystander so you have more time maybe, but regardless, I don’t even know where you’re going with this and I know you’re a player good enough to not simplify potentially good reasoning to “oblivious = wolf”

like even if i missed it or something you can just tell me that directly instead of being so vague on purpose like and you try to turn this into something to wolfread me for :skull:

The fact you have to ask this shows you’re having very selective memory.
And idk why town!bys would just be using everything to support their own agenda instead of thinking things through and being honest.


I have a bit of mechanical reasoning behind it but I’m not going to be stating about the mechanical reasoning because funnily enough mafia have access to vanillization.