April Showers Reconstructed - TOWN VICTORY!

The only reason I suspect you’re onto Wrongboy hydra is because you may have used a day action on him.

You dont need to say what you did on your action, but if you haven’t done anything. Are you certain you’re comfortable with Wrongboy if you’re not doing wagonmatics?

Youre panicking over 2 votes isnt helping your case

I don’t necessarily mean that speaking a lot means you are speaking fluff, but if you post more often your thought process is more apparent and easier to get a grasp of.

I get the anxiety of not wanting to make mistakes, but this is mafia after all, you’re never going to be 100% all of the time. More volume of posts, as long as each post has some form of content each, allows for more reads to be generated after looking back at the day after flips.

i certainly did not use a day action beacuse i want eve gone now


I’m confortable with either wrongboy or eve gone

Zoltraak happens to not like being lied about

‘you’re panicking’

Do you see what I mean about being disingenuous? If you are town and this is how you go about looking for wolves, I think a reasonable person also would not have much confidence in finding them after I’ve flipped blue either.

I put pressure on you and youre cracking prove me wrong.

you never played with aggressive town before?

Again, I don’t see why you see this as inconsistent. I gave you reasons above as to why I found Ghidorah and Bionic individually at the time, and also given the nature of how D1s pan out - it is unlikely to me that the first 3-wagon would be double stacked.

My initial scumread on you has nothing to do with vote patterns. But if I think you are a likely scum candidate, then as well as my prior reads, then the other players in the wagon I think are less likely to be mafia.

Plenty, but usually they have a rationale that makes sense that governs their actions.

why do you think this is AI, bionic?

Then think of this way, alongside you have Leafia, Sultan, Ghidorah.

#284 I have being asking Zoltraak why he’s focusing his vote Sultan

He townreads nearly the whole Wrongboy besides Sultan? This rubs me wrong in some way.

But when I confronted him, thats what he says:

This may be oversight, but not directly contradicting since I may not have brought on a level Zoltraak may understand.

However, this is worth pursuing.

VOTE: Zoltraak

We are tlaking in circles beacuse you are omgus that i have a good read in you. If youre town you’re omgusing me. 100%

Ive laid out my argument it obvious makes sense beacuse people agree with it.

You got 2 votes you started to fold so obviously what im doing is working

Your reasons for them being town are abysmal.

Your reasons for thinking people are scum are very flimsy dont you get it.

Your anger is fake.

When i started mentioning your name youve acted like outted scum what do you want me to do here.

So what do you want me to say here.

Kill it with fire yall trust me

pick a struggle :sob:

omgus so crazy it feels like bait

Again I’m struggling to see how these thoughts are genuine. I’m frustrated yes but I don’t even think I’m projecting much in the way of anger.

If you thought my reasons for towning them were poor, then why not even try to explain why other than ‘oh well mafia can say anything’, which can be applied to any read whatsoever. I think you as town here ought to be trying to examine my thought process rather than merely glancing and being dismissive.

The reason why I’m expressly having trouble finding you town now is that I don’t really believe a player of the stated calibre of yourself could have a read that is so poor yourself and so poorly justified.

Again, you speak of OMGUS when I was the first player to vote you, and before you started arguing with me me vote wasn’t even on you.

But have it your way.

VOTE: SultanOfSlam

And the rage OMGUS vote k.

Anyways moving on i still say kill this.

Bionic out if none hydra any thoughts?

@Frostwolf103 I’m not really sure what to add beyond what I put to Sultan, I ought to ask you, do you think his treatment of my slot has been genuine? My perspective may be compromised somewhat due to the fact it is me that he’s tunneling, but it doesn’t strike me as so.

I think he’s trying to spin a narrative that on the surface looks like a contradiction but if looked at closely ought to be apparent isn’t there.

i think im losing it