April Showers Reconstructed - TOWN VICTORY!

Hey sultan, if I ‘cracked under pressure’ then what what is Eve doing right now in response to one single vote from Bionic?

I wont lie it does feel like Sultan is trying to solve and you are trying to sew chaos

i’m just upset that my friend telling me to knock off a bit she doesnt like has turned into bionic mega tunnelling both of us

What’s wrong with a bit of a chaotic Day 1?

Again same shit both frost and i called you out for

Whos making false naratives here its not I

Yes it is you, you called me out for a supposed contradiction around 500 posts ago, and when I explained to you that it wasn’t you ignored me and just carried on peddling the same narrative.

Currently reading it ill let you know. I do have to go to my 2nd job here soon. But will read up on this thank you

Can yall quote stuff so we can get to the bottom of this

I wish i could filter 2 ppl’s posts in 1 go but thats not a thing

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You’re acknowledging it yourself, which means it could easily be a play to go “Oh i don’t do this as evil :((((( nooo that’s too bad of meee”

try reading from about post #518 or so

i can do it beacuse it might start getting spammy lol

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Frost probably town btw

can we get more votes on eve y’all?

please im confident on this

But yes, if you don’t think I’ve not been trying to earnestly get a read on Sultan’s slot then I’m not sure what to say, likewise with Pizza - where Sultan earlier says to me ‘never played with an aggressive town?’, Sultan then attacks me for being mildly aggressive to him, pointing out that it was an interesting coincidence that he popped in after 18 hours of inactivity to respond to a vote on him.

So according to him is aggressively questioning other players towny or not? I guess scummy for me but towny for him right?

[quote=“Frostwolf103, post:672, topic:8313, full:true”]
Then think of this way, alongside you have Leafia, Sultan, Ghidorah.

#284 I have being asking Zoltraak why he’s focusing his vote Sultan

Fost lays out alot of it pretty well im running outta time but this should be a good start

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I’m not really sure why Eve is a particularly great vote though Bionic, I have t sympathise with her being baffled as to why she would be paired with wrongboy there too.

why is that

because of #273 and the interaction that kicks off?

For instance, I saw this pretty much in real time and whilst you can say ‘but duhhh Zoltraak mafia could fake it’, would they even think as a wolf pair that that is what they need to do to get towncred or distance? Probably not.