April Showers Reconstructed - TOWN VICTORY!


alright i can see that, theyā€™re unpaired

but eve should still be d1ā€™d

Eve is unpaired so if they flip mafia we have wrongboy as good

Yeah, if.

itā€™s a bit of a thin read but I think if iā€™m assuming Sultan mafia not sure eve mafia really fits, I think their instinct leans more toward distancing from that wagon than trying to get on it opportunistically like that, esp early in the game where building it too quickly is more often going to lead to it collapsing than sticking.

Ofc my Sultan read could still be wrong and that might change things, but my reaction to earlier in the day was eve town and whilst thatā€™s faded a bit thereā€™s places Iā€™d rather vote : Kii is possible, Lee also feels a bit awkward and you being less suspicious of Lee than anyone else is definitely eyebrow raising.

@Eve have you any sense of where scum might be besides Bionic? I still think he is town and want to know your thoughts on other slots if possible.

What do you think about the wagon against me? How do you read Sultan? Or Goose?

Hi Zoltraak. Do you think I am mafia? Just curious.

Part of me is thinking that your vote is opportunistic, and I dislike #699 because Iā€™m not sure what it is for, other than to improve your own image around the vote - though that applies pretty much exclusively to the town-Sultan world for obvious reasons.

Post 699 was life advice for you to take outside of this game we are playing. I like to bequeath knowledge and guidance on those around me as repentance for my past misdeeds.

If I may say so the issue with this D1 has been roughly 60% of users have been caught up in OMGUS, clearly emotionally motivated plays, or hubris. And 33% are not particularly contributing in a meaningf manner (I am curious as to why).

It makes it difficult to read when most pushes are seeded in emotional reactions.

A word of advice from me. Do not put all your eggs in one basket. You do not know how the cards may fall and you risk losing it all. Do not count your chickens befofe they hatch. This is the downfall of many a noble man. Do not engage in a wild goose chase. Use logic not emotional will-power to catch our enemy.

This, and only this, will carry us through to victory.

Yeah Iā€™m gonna ignore everything else you said but remind meā€”why do you think I OMGUSed Sultan when I pushed him first?

Itā€™s getting irritating how people insist I did things that I didnā€™t do ngl

How did I OMGUS someone I pushed first

A good mafia player does not read, they infer. In this case I inferred you OMGUSd although I may be incorrect. I have not read.

How can you ā€˜inferā€™ something on a thread without reading? The word you are looking for is ā€˜interpret,ā€™ which you have done wrongly and insisted on it as if it were true

Votecount as of post #837

Zoltraak (3): SultanOfSlam, Anonygoose, Frostwolf103
Kiiruma (2): bystander, Wazza
SultanOfSlam (2): Zoltraak, TeenGhidorah
Leafia (1): wrongboy
LittleLee (1): Leafia
bystander (1): Kiiruma
Bionic (1): Eve
Eve (1): Bionic

Not Voting (3): Memekingpizza, Someone, LittleLee

Inference and interpretation are two tusks in the same mammoth.

Are they? One is about deducing based on principles, the other is about ascribing meaning to something. But you probably did neither of these, since you admittedly havenā€™t read anything