April Showers Reconstructed - TOWN VICTORY!

What I dislike most about goose’s posting is his self-styled ‘life advice’ to me, I think that all posts here do have a gameplay purpose, and I’m struggling to find an earnest town purpose for them. Whereas if he is mafia then it could be looking to give the appearance of having treated me fairly whilst actually hoping I end up as the town wagon come EoD.

I trust that he’s no slouch and understands how to play this game, and he ought to do likewise.

addendum: if say goose does flip red, then that would I think almost certainly spew Wazza town, I expect you would see why.

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@TeenGhidorah i dont know if i missed a point in any of your messages but why the vote on sultan. It seemed to come out of left feild from my view so can i get more insight when any of the heads are available. Ty for your time.

The vote im speaking avout is message 741

I’ll check it out

also click this to unvote not vote: unvote


checked it out, means nothing to me


I see, had the thought myself that if he were mafia he might want to play more into the ‘my role is important don’t lynch me’ angle rather than actively play it down, so if nothing else it felt curious.

Oof that top wagon doesn’t look great waza why you on kii?

I dont actually see a reason


because I’m still not convinced to move my thoughts from them?

I’ve been on them for quite a while it’s not like I’ve just suddenly voted them lol

This doesnt answer my question at all lol. I guess i could go iso you to find the answer

What do you think of Bystander and Leafia?

This is incorrect.

I am also a very easily confirmable role in any case.

Ah yes… a 3 wagon vs a bunch of 1s. bystander’s wagon never gaining any traction despite there being some mech there. I wonder why.

I outright said that I keep agreeing with SultanOfSlam. This is not very subtle if I am trying to pocket you. I am just stating how I am feeling.

If I was trying to pocket you I would not clearky state this and moreso just say things I know you agree with.

For example, instead of saying “I agree with SultanOfSlams” I would say “I think x is bad” 10 posts after you do. This is how good pocketers work. What I did was far too basic and crass if I were truly trying to pocket you.

Wait theres mech point to that direction?

Good answer tbh.

Thanks for this explanation.

Blah day 1s are definitely my least favorite