April Showers Reconstructed - TOWN VICTORY!

These being back to back and these also being who he want to shoot is a bit??? Very first reads of the game…

In response to…

Goose are you a pocketing bastard have i been fooled?

@Frostwolf103 @Kiiruma @Memekingpizza @Someone none of you were designated ‘rider’ were you?

Kiiruma also I think it might make sense for you to be more open about your info that you had relating to bystander, either it was a one time passive or you were keeping it secret because of the risk of being vanilla-ised before you could gain more info, correct?

Finally before I go to bed, Bionic were you protecting anyone N1, and if so who?


also that wasnt me

Now its me, but that wasnt me

Firstly, if I get enough pressure I will hard claim and my actions become apparent but then my role also becomes obsolete so I will only claim if it is clear I get hung otherwise. And I think my role is probably strongest town role so I would rather not be forced to claim.

Secondly, my logic is this. Please anyone feel free to call out any illogical steps (although it if is obvious you are replying in bad faith I will just reply with honk).

  1. People I townread (TeenGhidora and yourself) along with me, are only pushes to prevent counter wagon of wolf.
  2. Therefore if my reads are correct, and I think they are, mafia did not make an attempt to save flipped d1 wolf.
    3 If mafia are not trying to save wolf they are either trying to get credit for wolf vote or literally inactive and just not around to save them.
  3. Not enough players were inactive to give credence to “wolves are just inactive theory”. Therefore most likely wolves bussed and this is why no mafia attempt to save.
  4. Now I look at players on LittleLee wagon.
  5. bystander, Leafia, and Zooltrak are all players I independently thought were suspicous day 1 regardless of wagon results.
  6. Thus of course these are the first people I look at when thinking of the wolves at start of this day.

This is my logic. Again I am not pocketing just straight forward expressing my reads. I think given the volatility of players this game my strategy here would be unnecessary if I was a wolf and I would do better lying low.

we’re supposed to believe that you aimed a shot with intent to kill at your townread where if you shoot and kill town you die alongside your target

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I did not townread them when I shot them, obviously. :joy:

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you voted alongside them

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It is almost like when you shoot someone their reaction can be indicative of their alignment.

Yes exactly thank you.

you were imploring the town to join a wagon upon which you were willing to stake your own life in the game, on day 1, included a scum pushing it too

What scum? LittleLee wasnt even voting.

from your point of view, Ghidora - my point is you were happy to make a push on a player that was being pushed also by said scumread, do you follow?

Did this not occur to you?

What scumread of mine was pushing TeenGhidora?

To be clear I had a gun to use but knew I wasnt likely going to use it d1 so just threatened people and then TeenGhidora asked to be shot so I thought fuck it they are as good a person to reaction test as anyone else. Unsure what your point is.

And your actions show that this wasn’t just a frivolous scumread either - it’s clear that by the way you carry yourself you believe your perspectives to be valuable, and indeed on this day you are almost a lone dissenting voice on the consensus that there is probably some scum that was voting me. So I don’t think you would risk your death, and costing the town a ML, unless you truly believed it was the right option.

Are you going to be obtuse all game or do you just have trouble comprehending plain english?

You scumread Ghidorah

Ghidorah voted me

You voted me, alongside Ghidorah.

You continue to push for my vote right until the very end of the game, knowing that Ghidorah, who you scumread, also wants me dead.