April Showers Reconstructed - TOWN VICTORY!

I doubt mafia are killing you they dont want to clear up d1 wagons for us for free lol. Normally when wagons are very tight its in towns interest to hang CW to clear wagonomics, no way mafia will let us know your alignment 100%.

Too late :grimacing:

yeah but letā€™s face it Iā€™m already clear

You just shoot bionic?

@Bionic an answer sooner rather than later would be best.

We will miss them :cry:

joat you nerd


quiet down mafia


Anyways I forgot day started last night and Iā€™m almost done with work


a. not the question I wanted you to answer
b. something we knew anyway

im not giving more than 50% and being anticlaimed

but like you didnā€™t protect anyone, or shoot anyone, or check anyone, so what did you do?

If you had four shots total you surely wouldnā€™t be holstering them all in a 15p game, right?

You didnā€™t check dead, surely not right?

Iā€™m asking if you would protect me this night please.

bionic dont let the mafia gaslight you!!



are you lolcatting already?

i have better things to do

good luck then

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I dont think so no