April Showers Reconstructed - TOWN VICTORY!

Pushing the LHF mafia with 13 posts doesn’t clear you


given the fact that if I don’t vote you the votes are 2/2, genius.

Oh of course the mafia that you and everyone else resisted before they flipped was actually obvious mafia all along. :crazy_face:

Why do I even play this game seriously.

what are you even on about rn

Im telling you what I think and you’re not making any attempt to actually work with me rn, you’re just mindlessly trying to discredit anything I say and being angy, I might even argue you arent playing serious rn if town


I’m allowed to be at least a tiny bit miffed if throughout the game I have been misrepresented, slandered and engaged with in otherwise frustrating ways, and someone who staggers into the game after not having read anything just comes in shouting that despite leading the charge for the game’s sole wolf pelt, that I am one of their most likely partners.

Do you think your read of ‘lol zoltraak mafa’ deserves even a grain of respect? Put yourself in my shoes and ask what you’d feel.

If you want to hear my thoughts on the game, I have plenty, much more than you in fact.

You have had and do have plenty of time to read them to, so instead of engaging in this asinine conversation, why don’t you do that? #1730 is a place to start if you want my current D2 thoughts and you can scroll down from there.

Id be much more interested in having a conversation over backreading as of current


I’m not sure what there is to talk about if you don’t have a clear picture of the game in your mind.

Like what you voting me says, is that if you are town, you aren’t engaged in the game. So what your opinions on the game may be at the moment don’t really matter.

I am happy to talk to you if you have some thoughts after having done the reading, but otherwise I don’t see the point.

All the same, I think at the end of the Day I will be voting either you, Sultan or Goose.
So if you want another starting point, try looking at what Sultan and Gooe have had to say, how do you read them, why?

You do seem like youre trying to powerwolf tbh

I agree with this consensus, I do think at least 1 evil is among those 3

I don’t understand why you’re so miffed at me here though? Youre acting like Im just sitting here screaming that you’re lock wolf as opposed to me voting you because of my initial gut read on the situation. Also, this is a game about manipulation and deceit, do you not come into every mafia game expecting to be misrepresented? that’s like a whole factions job


What was ur reason that littlelee was mafia d1?

You dont look much better using your ability to rolefish

I’m trying, unlike the majority of the town, to make progress in solving the game.

I think you might have a fundamentally different view on what counts as progress than a good portion of us, too

