April Showers Reconstructed - TOWN VICTORY!

I do yes

Yeah Frost stay safe. Also hardclaim now or I shoot you.

I think the flip and wagon does look good for Zolt which is why I wouldn’t shoot them today ever, but also I just disagree with most of their posts so it is hard not to be a bit paranoid.


If you click little edit button at corner of OP you can see previous versions. I think Eve and Kiiruma swapped or something.

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And more rolefishing

was the original list in signup order? If so then it’s the order that people were pinged in at EoD 1.

Don’t hate the rolefisher hate the fish.

This is just like actively a lie, you asked me for reads then get upset when my reads arent what you wanted, I wouldn’t have voted you as of current had you not asked my reads in the first place. Also, I dont get a ton from backreading and generally in my experience I get the most information from actively interacting with others. Just because I approach the game in a slightly different way than you do doesn’t inherently discredit any of my thoughts. Also it ignores the fact that iv read pretty much all of D1


I got added to a neighbourhood when I got moved


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I knew that someone had a mechanic regarding like “the players adjecnt to you in the playerlist are in a neighborhood with you” or some shit like that

If you want to explain why voting the first person who voted out the mafia im all ears

only issue is that the person who makes these neighbourhoods apparently didn’t make this one

Why the hell would you say that out loud

What would you prefer then? if you’re in my PoE and may end up dying then yes I do want you to at worst leave some legacy, something that I may have missed.

Should I just say ‘yes my good sir Ghidorah, that is a perfectly reasonable conclusion for you to come to’ if you just vote me without any context or reason beyond what is essentially paranoia?

VOTE: Teen

It’s openly known?

Leafia outed it yesterday like a donut

its not that complicated of a conclusion lol