April Showers Reconstructed - TOWN VICTORY!

Ok heres a point to consider. If we assume town has utility while mafia has hinderances at what point do we cut off of actual utlity rather than a mafia ultilty based on the knowlege of lee’s role since town roles will be helpful in a sense.

its a zone game - dont


You seem to be playing from the point of view of ‘Zolt is mafia until I can prove otherwise’ knowing full well that nothing short of an IC flip will convince you that way.

I’m happy for you to just die and stop griefing the game honestly at this point, if you can’t dig yourself out of this tunnel then you will never contribute to finding the mafia anyway.

From my only experience in a zone game aka (paradox hazard) mafia had roles to sabotage town. So am i missing context that i dont know.

for like the 5th god damn time, stop saying that I’m pretending you’re lock mafia iv never once said that LOL


Pizza is making a fair point, the sum total of town abilities and mafia hindrances can at worst be zero and never be in favour of the mafia.

You’re acting like it.

Zone likes to do fucky shit with roles, especially so things that punish town for confirming players based off abilities. For example Lees ability is one that’s supposed to feel like its giving town utility but hidden in the background it isn’t


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Does ‘villager’ not count?

I’m not??? I wanted to try to have a discussion with you and try to get a better idea of your alignment but you basically have only tried to discredit things iv said since iv joined the thread

If you were to unvote me, I’d be less inclined to treat you in the way I am so doing, but as things are lying, I can only interpret that your vote means that you want me hanged.

Well yeah, given all you have said so far is ‘zolt mafia’ why wouldn’t I try to discredit you?

this is a really long way to say OMGUS


Not this shit again.

Fair enough ill take this into consideration. But my only point against mafia having what lee had is why are they living. In this moment is zolt is t/m all they have is their role and they are going to help town as much as possible out of desperateness. Its just like in SH hitler passes lib to not get shot/be played later.

But currently on my stance between you two (zolt and the hydra being fronted as derps as of now) i think this just a belief clash and both of you are innocnet until some makes a good ppint of why this has to to be mafia vs town

Am I wrong? the way I read that was you’re treating me as a wolf because I’m voting you and if I unvote you, you would leave me alone

which isn’t how town should or would be approaching the game IMO, so while Im not saying you’re lock mafia, you’ve most certainly not helped your case from my POV so far


This is possible. What I am struggling to understand is why there is so much paranoia over my slot given the state of the game is almost certainly 10 town 2 factional mafia 1 traitor.

It should be self evident that the assumption to be tested first is that, mafia are trying to play in a way which helps them win th largest percentage of games, i.e. don’t let their partner (no matter how passive) die EoD1. Is this not fair?

I’m not promising to leave you alone, but given that I am as all players are here concerned with not dying, I don’t have a better option to vote you whilst you vote me. You know why you’re in my PoE and you know also that it’s not OMGUS, so don’t come to my door with that crap.

its one vote zoltraak youre fine no one else is going to vote you

Bionic or bystander good votes